Daniels' Tarot of Vampyres


Hi all! :)

I just bought this deck yesterday, and although I don't consider myself a fan of vampire culture, I have to admit that this deck has grabbed me. For one thing, there isn't a single card I don't like, and that's a first for me. It doesn't mean I love all of them, but the fact that not one card in this deck irks me is a major breakthrough. So far, out of all the decks I own, this is the only one about which I can honestly say that I don't dislike a single card.

I've never read with a dark-themed deck before, so I'm wondering about experiences any of you might've had using such decks. I'm not talking about things like summoning demons and speaking with the dead here, but more general "what have readings tended to feel like" using this sort of deck. I would also like to know if you've ever had negative reactions from querents whenever you've used dark-themed decks.

Thanks for sharing!

The Eight of Grails reminds me of the Witch King in LoTR... uber cool. :thumbsup:


Dark decks are not just to use during Halloween you know, they can be used all year long for any kind of readings. Since I got my Tarot of Vampyres last year, I've used that one exclusively and I've used it of course of all sort of readings.

Now that you make me think about it, the vampire on the Eight of Grails do look like the Witch King from LOTR. Eerie...


I love this deck, but to me it doesn't seem "dark" at all. There is blood, sure, but there is no encouragement from this deck to the part of my self that would sometimes like to hurt other people or act in a way that I know to be wrong.

The encouragement from this deck is to be true to myself... the readings have an emphasis on being my strongest and best self, of believing myself capable of more. They are very spiritual but not a "your ego is bad" kind of spirituality.