Dark Grimoire Tarot - Queen of Wands


The Queen sits on a throne at the base of a volcano. She holds a long staff and a cup rests on the throne arm. She wears a plumed crown but is otherwise in plain robes. Her eyes are closed and she rests her head against a hand. Lava flows down from the volcano behind her.

The Queen of Wands is often seen (in the RWS and it's derivatives) as a dynamic and charismatic woman, however this card takes a different approach. She seems weary and tired, and her closed eyes and resting head almost suggests that she has a headache (not surprisingly with a volcano behind her). Perhaps she is mentally trying to fight back against the fiery chaos around her?

A quick look at the other Queen cards shows that they all have cups (or vases/vessels) as well. Perhaps alluding to the Golden Dawn correspondences (i.e for this card, Water of Fire)?