Faerie Tarot: Ace of Swords


The white mountain/arctic hare (Lepus timidus) is the guardian of the Swords. At first it may seem odd that the timid hare is guarding the swords but it makes perfect sense when you think about it. The hare is perfectly adapted to winter and it thrives in the cold. Its fur and nutrition and life cycles are all in perfect sync with the seasons. It is quiet and calm and totally unafraid of the Sword of Winter.
The landscape looks barren but there are patches of grass here and there, waiting for the sun to get stronger and reminding us that the seasons turn. The sun is behind the sword and illuminating the sky, which looks like more snow will soon be falling. There is a red ruby on the sword, and there are forms on the sword that remind the female and male genitals. There is a balance of yin and yang.


This is a beautiful Ace of Swords card.

I've been thinking about what Nathalie said about the card: "The sword defies time, the winds and spirits. The bearer will be able to conclude any project."

Sometimes there isn't enough time, or things take so much time that we begin to loose focus, but this sword can defy that. Sometimes the winds of other people's opinions are against us but this sword can defy that. Sometimes our spirits flag and we become depressed or discouraged but this sword can defy that too!

I usually think of the Ace as about the beginnings of things but this one is about victory, success and completion. It makes sense and really fits the image of a single sword stuck upright in the ground.