darn transiting Mars!

isthmus nekoi

Here's a thread that's about a bunch of different stuff: house cusps, tMars and illness.

I found it interesting that tSaturn has been lingering in my 6th house for 2 years now and I've been feeling more or less the same physically but the day tMars is conjunct my 12th house cusp, I come down with an awful flu that totally wipes me out! And get this, I got it from my boyfriend (Mars)! Apparently it's good to lay low w/tMars in 12th. Hey, there's no resistance to that on my part now that I feel like a trainwreck! I've been having the weirdest dreams lately too. 12th always seems to manifest most obviously in dreams.

Incidently Mars natally is conjunct my ASC in 1st, trine Jupiter/Saturn with out of sign sextile Uran/MC, and oos square to Pluto. tMars seems to be bringing me a lot of grief this year. Perhaps having a progressed moon in Scorpio is strengthening the Mars square Pluto energy?........


I can hear ya..about transit and 12th. 12th is a kind of a down or "inner" time. Mars transited my 12th I was down and out with a spained back..no$$/work...(but in fact I needed and wanted the rest and moving on) and to top it off ...Venus was rx forming a t-sq with Mars and my Sun/Mer. I too have natal Mar on Asc...but challening to Jupiter/Sat..and as well in my case I have an out of house Ur/Sun. Compatable signs but in incompatable houses. If I understand correctly..do you now have a transiting Mar/Sat oppositiong 12th/6th respectively?. If so, I deal with this natally so I understand about feeling thwarted and such ..though my placement deals with different houses. You feel would it with health issues more keenly. I've found that its hard to move forward/dynamically (Mars) (or in 12th house case inner dynamic/depth/expanse as well) if the lessons of Saturn itself and per house and sign are not being heeded somehow. Saturn is the heavy weight of the two...timing, order, reality, responsibilities, praciticalness, slowing down, endurance, patience, attention to detail...etc. If you go for Mars and deny Saturn (no matter how taskmaster, boring, droll) you will have problems I've found. Its a synthesis & balance. Also once we're hipped to the usefullness of Saturn it turns out to be a life saver and right councel all along. In any case stock up in taking care of yourself. Hope you feel better!.

isthmus nekoi

Thanks for the advice, Deszroo :) There's no opposition w/tMars and tSaturn yet - the transiting Mars-Saturn opposition will be exact March 7-8. But you're correct, it will land into my 6th/12th houses. However, at 20 degrees Capricorn/Cancer, it doesn't really touch anything important in my chart. Hm, unless you count a pretty wide sextile/trine to Uran/MC.


My progressed mars is reaching my natal Solar Degree, I'm feeling energetic, but hyptertensious, My anxiety level is off the chart, and meditation is not really keeping my mind calm these days. You may want to check up on your progressions, especially mercury.

Further down the jackalope cave means that the light is further and further away, bring extra batteries.

Capricorn Mars is currently in my 5th house and is actually tempting me with a higher sex drive than usual, to the point where my intuition of others attraction to me is actually below me, which is unusual, but I have no planets in Capricorn, but my vertex is there.


isthmus nekoi

I rarely post here but read these posts often. I'm afraid I know just about enough astrology to get me into trouble at a board full of obviously accomplished astrologers. The first posting on this thread, however, raised some questions with this statement. "I found it interesting that Saturn has been lingering in my 6th house for 2 years now" Isn't Saturn a generational influence that tends to linger in a specific sign or house for "years?" If so, why would this be "interesting" to an obviously astute student of astrology like isthmus nekoi? I don't mean to be picky or challenging, as I've seen this in other forums and find it detestable. I would, however, like to understand why an astrological event i previously considered a common phenomena is a point of interest to someone obviously more expirienced than me.


Nope, Saturn is not generational, at least not in the sense that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are. Saturn takes about seven years to go four signs -- e.g., from Capricorn to Aries. Saturn will be moving into Leo later on this year, and then all hell will break loose for those of us with lots of fixed signs.



thanks ncefafn

For clearing up my misconception. Although I don't grasp things like how trines and squares affect a natal chart, I do know in my chart Saturns' positioning is terrible.... right in Scorpio. Learning lessons the hard way is tough, but tougher still, is when I don't learn them on the first try. Maybe I'll learn this one with a single attempt.

isthmus nekoi

Hey there wandking,

Saturn isn't generational, but Saturn does spend roughly 2.5 years in each sign. Only, that wasn't the part I found interesting :D I was expecting w/Saturn in 6th to be more prone to colds, or to have things like allergies flare up etc but didn't notice a difference in health at all. But man, transiting Mars hits a cusp and it's like gauuuuuuuuuuuuh, I'm sick!

btw, pls don't feel like you shouldn't ask questions and stuff around here, that's what we're here for. I'm hardly an expert myself :)

Paradoxx, I'm waiting to see what effects I'll feel when Mars hits my sun! The last time Mars went through my 12th, I somehow got the silly idea in my head of not asking for any extensions for the FOUR PAPERS (insane amount) I had to complete. I did not go out for an entire month except to work, run errands and research in my school's prison-like library (incidently, the only people I can find who like that library are fellow 12th house suns). No really. I got everything done on time, got the marks I was looking for and vowed never to do something so stupid again.


Aw come-on isthmus nekoi, you probably do stuff like that alot being an intensly hard driven Scorpio. <smiles> Is Mars problematic in ruling your sign, as its fiery disposition in slips into the deep Water of Scorpio. Personally, Mars never bugs me. It might rule this ole Ram but I like the influence but hmmm... I was recently hospitalized for a whole week, even though I was only paralyzed for a couple of hours, after the wreck. I wonder where Mars was at the time. It seems Mercury has more impact on my life, especially when in retrograde... Is my Moon in Virgo a reason for this?


That would make mercury your lunar ruler. You must love wearing white (virgo purity plus the moonlight), be careful, sometimes there is vurnrebility to too much white.

Isthmus, you're not the only one who has come down with an illness, it knocked me down last week too! For me it seemed to be more related to mercury moving into pisces (opposing virgo!) but Mars in Capricorn demands a great deal of activity that ones body can not always achieve, especially when the energy levels are off the chart.

My own Saturn in Libra conjunct Jupiter (and in progression are still conjunct) make it difficult to seperate the energies. So when Saturn in in Cancer and Jupiter in Libra both retrograde I can really feel it. Jupiter is helping me save and spend money wisely as it glides through my 2nd house, while Saturn is restricting me in other ways that only Saturn seems to know or care about (homelife) at the cusp of my 11th and 12th houses.