Das Lied der Rohrigen- Princess Cups


Here's a rare beauty. Not a chatterer or a shouter, this one is grace personified.

So what is the Princess whispering? She is a creature of grace in this deck, and a master of surrender. This princess enjoys the power of embracing the moment for what it is right now. She has no need to assert her will, or view of things. She imposes nothing. She simply dives into what is before her, with complete faith. I like her.

Her power is grounded in her acute grasp of powerlessness. Her self confidence radiates, it is born of her confidence in everything.

She is depicted with a feather, falling into an open sky, the text

"Emotional Freedom"
"Self Confidence" appears on the card.

She is the stopping on an early fall day to breathe deeply the new scent.

She is the foot that finds the next stone in the river.

She is alive with life.


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A lovely card, and a lovely description Karl.

This is someone completely immersed, someone who lets go and gives the whole of themselves to... whatever. Complete trust/faith/love.

Turn the card up side down and look at how she throws her whole self trustfully into the depths, perhaps even the unknown.