Death in middle of relationship spread


How is Death in the middle of a 9 card relationship spread going to modify the cards around it? Would love to hear your thoughts.


would depend on the other cards and the particular relationship spread...
death card could mean transformation or the end of something...and any
reversals would have to come into account...maybe more details on this spread...
and examples of other cards around it, and where the death card is in the spread...


I think questions like this are virtually impossible to answer since the other cards in the spread, the question, the positional meanings, the story the cards are woven into (in other words the context) really does affect how each card is read in each reading.
A card can mean one thing in one reading and something completely different in another - that's the beauty of tarot. Taking one card out of the context of a 9 card reading is a bit like plucking a word out of a paragraph and asking what it means.. It will have a core meaning but you can't get the whole picture without reading the whole thing.


Hi Septimus,

If you want help with a whole reading you need to post it and your interpretation of all the cards in the Your Readings forum.


Depending upon how you read spreads, the card in the center could suggest the major gist or crux of the issue. A trump in the center could mean that its energy is the biggest lesson or remedy in the situation. Death, then, at the center of a spread might suggest that major changes are needed or that breaking out of a rut is the biggest threat or issue of the relationship right now.

But as the others have said, context is everything in a reading. The rest of the spread will tell the whole tale.


Spread? Position?

How is Death in the middle of a 9 card relationship spread going to modify the cards around it? Would love to hear your thoughts.
Exactly what spread did you use and what position was this card? That would help us answer this question. Was it the signifier? The near future? Let us know position.

Type of spread also matters. In something like a Celtic Cross, with an outcome card at the end, all the cards in the spread are simply discussing what's going on in the relationship in the present--how people see it, what's at the root of it, it's hopes/fears and such--and what the result will be if it keeps going on this way.

Thus, in a Celtic Cross, the Death card would have no effect on the other cards. It's just one more card indicating what the situation currently is, and all it really does is help clarify what all the cards are saying about the relationship. In other types of spreads, however, the card could have a profound effect.


I used Coeur's 9 card Perspectives Relationship Spread, discussed on Spreads, and the Death card was in position number 3, in the exact center, which is State of the relationship.


A State of Mourning

I used Coeur's 9 card Perspectives Relationship Spread, discussed on Spreads, and the Death card was in position number 3, in the exact center, which is State of the relationship.
You need to provide a link to that spread. We don't all know it.

However, just stating the position helps us a lot in answering your question. Death means a state of profound change and with it, a state of mourning and adjustment. I'll add that I don't think the card indicates the state of the relationship as "dying." If you get the death card, then the relationship is either dead--and I'd be surprised if that wasn't obvious, as when a relationship is dead you can pretty much tell--or something within that relationship has died. Maybe the "trust" has died, or the innocence, or the romance or the newness.

So, something that mattered to the relationship has come to an end. Maybe it came unexpectedly, or maybe it just got old and had to go. Either way, the relationship is now in a state of mourning over that loss, adjusting to it, and waiting to see what will take its place. What will take its place will not be the same as that thing that died, but the void will be filled by something new. If that something new is as good or better than what died, the relationship will survive this loss. If it isn't, the relationship may not survive it.



Many thanks, Thirteen, for your analysis. Not sure how you do links on this site, but I assume i will find out.