Deck of the Week : Sign-up Thread: Week 208 : July 25 - July 31


Welcome to the group madhatter! It's a very easy-going group as you can see. :p


Hello! I would like to participate in the Deck of the Week. As much as I enjoy gaping in sublime ecstasy at the artwork of it, I want to actually practice with and get to know my Amano Tarot better.

I'm looking forward to participating this week!

Welcome! Glad to see new folks in the group! I've been doing it off and on for a while. I'll do Deck of the Week for months, then focus on one deck (or no decks!) for a bit. But I always find my way back to this group. It's good fun. :)


Undecided for the moment, as usual, but here is a link to the new Daily Draw thread.


Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome! <3 It's really sublime to feel like a part of the community here.

I'm sure I will learn a lot from you all, and I'm really looking forward to it!


Hello everyone,

I think my life has calmed down enough to rejoin the group and work with a deck a week again. This week I will be working with the Night Sun Tarot. For now, I'll skip oracles so as not to feel overwhelmed.


Hello everyone,

I think my life has calmed down enough to rejoin the group and work with a deck a week again. This week I will be working with the Night Sun Tarot. For now, I'll skip oracles so as not to feel overwhelmed.
Good to have you back, GW. :)


Guardians of Wisdom Tarot for me please. The cards are both uprights and reversals, makes a change for me.

Thanks Gimlet


Welcome back Goldenwolf!

Ms. Jocelyn

Aquarian Tarot

Last week I did not post any of my readings, but I got some great ones!

This week I am using the Aquarian Tarot by David Palladini, truly an Art Deco feast!


Hello, just stumbled across this topic. I'd love to join in this week, Morgan Greer, as my husband had a birthday and I'd like to do a birthday spread...and of my decks I am associating MG with him. Thx!