Decks that are hard to find in English, but not in other languages?

page of ghosts

I hope my german isn't completely incomprehensible, but I wanted to jump for joy for a bit as I learned that the mythic tarot is quite affordable in german as das delphisches tarot. Someone on instagram had a giveaway that included the german deck and while I didn't win I found out that it was quite available as well as not that expensive in this edition. My order was very spontanious as I'd recently sifted through some very expensive english versions of it with the hope of finding one cheap enough that also ships to my country... to no avail. This german version definetely beats waiting around for the other one for me. I believe the guidebook in english is not as pricy as the deck if I'd want that one too.

Out of curiosity, are there any other decks that are oop/expensive/rare/any combination of those in english, but you can find it (more) easily in another language?


I bought the excellent Rohrig Tarot in Spanish from Book Depository for a pittance compared to its English-edition price. I don't read Spanish, but the English card titles are buried in the artwork in script of varying legibility, so it isn't an issue. Plus, its titles are Thoth-based so it's no hardship at all.


I bought a german Kazanlar for a *very* reasonable price.

ana luisa

My favorite, the Golden Rider. It's available in French but the English version, when found, is quite expensive.

Rose Lalonde

Roots of Asia has only been available in German as Tarot Die Wurzeln Asiens for a long time. Even that seems to be getting scarce recently, but it'll still be cheaper than trying to find an English copy!
ETA -- Also in French as Tarot Racines d'Asie. And was published in Czech.

I got the German deck/book set of the Via Tarot in Dec. for 11 euros (that store is now out of stock). At the time, I also saw the German Ansata and Rohrig cheap, but passed on those.

Le Fanu

Apart from the ones that have been mentioned, there's also the Lisa Hunt Fairy Tale tarot in other languages. I picked up a French one but I believe that one is now as hard to find as the English version. Stocks are disappearing but I think the Spanish one and the German one are still available.

ETA; remembered another one - the Diamond Tarot can be found in French and Italian. Not exactly easy to find, but easier than an English version.


Kitty Kahane tarot is another one that is difficult to find in the English version, but I have seen the German version available for an affordable price.


World Spirit Tarot and Fairy Tale Tarot in Spanish.

page of ghosts

Thanks everyone who's commented so far, those are a lot of interesting decks. Some of them I haven't heard of before, like the rohrig, others are decks i'm interested in. I actually own the roots of asia deck in english, but i found it in a thrift store so it wasn't very expensive. Trying to look at it for fun on amazon or the like... oh boy :( The kitty kahane tarot is very interesting to me so it's good to know that it really isn't that expensive in german if I decide I actually want it at some point :D And the fairytale tarot I've actually seen in spanish but I can never decide if I'd like it or not. I know a little of both spanish and german so I guess I'm lucky with that.


Lisa Hunt's Fairy Tale Tarot is still available in a Spanish edition. I just ordered a copy from overseas Amazon. The quality of the cards were good. I can read the card titles but my Spanish is not good enough to read the book.

The out of print English edition is extremely expensive.