Decks that go well w/Baba-Prague bags!


Has anyone else been having fun matching up some of Baba-Prague's recent bags with your decks? I have! The Undine bags match up nicely with the Universal Fantasy and the Sacred Rose; The Bone Chapel bags looks great with the Ship of Fools Tarot, and the Knight and Lady look excellent with The Legend Tarot! I also have on order the Boy Elf bag, which I plan to put my Waking the Wild Spirit in!

Not to mention all the Magic Realist Decks in their own bags!! They look so pretty hanging from my barrister bookcase knobs! And it makes it easy to find just the deck I want to grab for a reading. Those shaker peg boards are great for holding these bags, too. I am hoping to find one this weekend to hang more from!


I'm a Tarot Fashionista....ack! I've really been thinking that my Templar Tarot needed one of those Bone Chapel bags. I own the Fairy Hunt bucket bag. Pretty and almost useless. Wait, its a fashion statement! Really I don't know what it is with those two. All their stuff is so well done.



OH they look so nice Hearthcricket! They really team up well with other decks dont they? All the bags are beautiful, I really need to get myself some. I look at them and just cant decide but the Queen of Cups one I know is a must!


HearthCricket I love all your suggestions! I love all the ideas and all the pictures that you share with us! More more!!!

Thank you so much for the inspiration.


Wow. When my Legend: Arthurian finally shows up, that bag you've got it shown with would be perfect. Or something similar.


6 Haunted Days

I really want that Faery hunt bag.....BAD. But I'm not made of money so it shall have to wait. Besides I've found most the fun is in wanting something, not just being able to get whatever you want. When I used to be able to do that (when I had money)....kinda lost it's appeal. Anticipation is wonderful!


All my cat decks have BBC bags and my Lover's Path is in the Lovers' card bag from VR. And of course all my MR decks are in Baba bags - well....
All except one.
Where are our Fantastic Menagerie bags?!?!

I would love a Bone Chapel one as well, I'll just have to figure out what to put in it so I can justify buying it ;)



The Bone Chapel might look good with your Archeon or even better with your Medieval Scapini!

I love your idea about putting the Lovers Path Tarot with the Lover's bag! That is a nice match! I might put my Romeo and Juliet, by Scapini, in one!


Yo Cricket,
You take enabling to a whole new level with this thread!
The bags are gorgeous.


LOL I just love their decks and want them to make more because I really like having my most used ones in a bag and readily available to just grab and zip downstairs to do a reading. When I bought a bunch I didn't even know what decks I would use them with. Some matched up quickly, others I put aside wondering why I got them. Then, one day, by chance, I had that Knight and Lady bag on the top of my bureau while sifting through decks for the ID game and put my Legend tarot box up next to it, to make room for moving a few things around. And behold! I couldn't believe how perfect it was for it! And that was it. I became an immediate fan!