Decks with Key Words


which tarot decks have a few words on each card to give you the main idea of what that card is about?
I look forward to any recommendations.


Tarot of the Sidhe


Dare I mention Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot Deck?


thank you for your replies so far.
I wonder if there are any more out there.


The Thoth deck has titles on the pip cards, which can serve as keywords, but the court cards and majors just have the usual titles, such as Knight, Star, etc. Some decks published by Lo Scarabeo, such as the Classic Tarot, have keywords in the margins, sometimes in several different languages. Often keywords are added to cards rather carelessly, and one may quickly outgrow them. The Thoth is different, however, since the titles are derived in a precise fashion from the system on which the deck is based. It's the only deck with "keywords" which I trust implicitly, but it's not to everyone's taste, especially since it was authored by "the wickedest man in the world." })

The crowned one

Etteilla Tarot, and one that took 5 years to grow on me, a deck my little brother made for me.


The Haindle Tarot, The Quest Tarot, Navigators if the Mystic Sea, The Rosetta Tarot, The Kingdom Within Tarot. Science Tarot, The Wildewood Tarot, this is just off the top of my head but I think there are loads more :)