Decks with personality?


ImWaitingForGodot said:
I saw this and just had to chuckle. :D

Did you explain it to her afterwards?

When I was able I did, yes. And then we were both laughing. Then she said my Favole was flirting with me. I actually forgot about that comment until just now. LMAO

Tristram Shandy

An interesting topic. I also have experienced that different decks have different styles and tones, when you read with them.

I have read with Tarot of the Cat People many times, and I have similar experiences to rabidwolfie.

rabidwolfie said:
My Tarot of the Cat People seems to prefer to dance around the question & make me work for my answers. Sometimes it tends to give me answers to questions not even being asked. It's a very evasive & independant deck.
I think doing a reading with Cat People is like a journey. Not an organized, scheduled one, but something that can go through and end in surprising places. Ok, I got this metaphor from the theme of the deck, but I think is still apt. The weirdest answers from this deck have been word plays and idioms illustrated literally. For instance, once a card clearly meant a concept, which is homonymous with an action that was depicted in the card. It made me laugh when I realized it. And the topic of the reading and the concept itself were very serious.

I hope you can discuss also non-tarot decks in this thread. My next oracle deck was the Moon Oracle, and it gives me very matter-of-fact readings. They usually make sense more quickly, but they are not as fun. I don't currently have enough experience with other decks to describe reliably what reading with them is like.

I have pondered why reading with different decks feels different. The ilustration style has some importance, I think. The style of the pictures in the Moon Oracle is formal, and it influences my readings. The style of the companion book can also show in readings, when you have just started to use the deck. When you have more experience with the deck, you can distance yourself from the book.


rabidwolfie said:
Then she said my Favole was flirting with me. LMAO

Now I had to laugh at that. I've never heard of a tarot deck flirting with anyone, but it sounds good to me!


I have a Thoth inspiring me to do crosswords...

All those keywords are mumbling too loud.

At least I'm not singing commercial jingles or frothy rock songs with Thothy substitution words yet..."It's my party, and I'll off his head if I want it if I want to...if I want to..." (sings the Queen of in Alice in Wonderful Land's Thru the Rooking Grass...)

I think it's time to exit, stage left...

