Decks you feel are 100% perfect


Ironwing - the full deck. Perfect images, cardstock, I love the total lack of titles or numbers. Everything about it is absolutely true to the deck and just right. Immense depth, clarity and well, perfect!

Also, the Flornoy Tarot de Jean Noblet is a perfect deck for me. The size is just right, card stock is wonderful, images, everything about it - absolutely brilliant.


CBD Tarot de Marseilles - love it, nothing about it needs to be changed.
Hoi Polloi - because it's a funked up RWS deck but Strength and Justice have been switched back to where they should be.
The Wild Unknown is not quite on my list of perfect decks yet but maybe when I've used it for a year it will be ;).


I'm also completely happy with the Spanish Tarot. With all its goofy, weird proportions, the mutant child with three arms on the Sun, the King of Coins sitting on thin air, the drunk-looking horses on the Knights. That's one where the flaws are part of what makes me cherish it.

The Spanish Tarot was my first ever deck and I love everything about it. It's the nicest cardstock of all my decks (although that's not really that many) and I too love the weird flaws. I just find it so appealing and comforting, hard to explain really.

For general niceness of cardstock and how much I like the individual cards and the imagery, both Zombie and Housewife are wonderful and very hard to fault.


The 1986 blue box Thoth. Cardstock is silky, colours are rich. Okay, I'd rather the backs were more vibrant. Does that mean it's not 'perfect'?


Sacred Sites Tarot
for myself is a perfect 100%


My ol' comfy slippers RWS.

Feeling very mean towards my Isis TdM that I love dearly, but the 100% won't be there until I can read with it without having to work a difficult spread out.

My Anna K is screaming "What about me?!" Well, beautiful in every way except that it's not RWS.

Good heavens, I'm in a mean mood this morning!


Hmmm decks that one wouldn't change a thing on...

Tarocco di Besançoni (Il Meneghello)- To me this is historical perfection. A deck that is expressive and a meaningful. For me the current way Il Meneghello prints their decks is nothing short of perfection. The unlamented card stock works and feels like what real old time cards should. Yes this deck will get used and tattered... but then again it should.

Osho Zen Tarot- When it comes to Light and Love decks to me this one is it. Cards that are still tarot but at the same time are transformed. Not a deck that changed a few majors and did RWS minors but one that slid the whole of the deck into meaningful zen state. Love it

Pam A- Still the most stunning colors and detail of any printing of the RWS. The vibrancy of the blues and yellows and the very crisp lines make this my go to RWS. Even the uber thick card stock works well for it.

Le Fanu

Tarocco di Besançoni (Il Meneghello)...The unlamented card stock works and feels like what real old time cards should.
Unlamented cardstock. I like that much more than unlaminated!


Yes this deck will get used and tattered... but then again it should.

I wish more people would consider this perspective. I'm not saying it as an excuse for poor quality that would quickly fall apart, but a deck that looks like its seen some action as opposed to pristine just out of the box is not a bad thing for a tarot deck.. a bit like a comfy pair of old jeans.