Dedicated deck--specifically for spellwork or other purpose?


Easyboy82 asked this question:

Do you think that a deck can be used both for readings and for spells (cleansing the cards used for the spell after its conclusion of course) or would it be better to have a separate deck to use only for spellwork?

I'm still thinking about this. Sometimes I read in the general instructions for an AG Mueller deck (Spirit Tarot for instance) that having 2 decks--one dedicated to the reader, one for reading for ideal.

Great idea to sell multiple decks...but do you use one deck specifically for one purpose such as spellwork, reading for you dedicate certain decks only to certain topics (say Herbal Tarot for cooking up healing recipes)...or on the other hand, would you prefer to use one deck for everything? I'm also eager to hear from Independent Deck Study members who dedicated themselves to one deck while creatively participating on this forum!




I think if you feel you need to use only one deck for a specific thing then that's fine.

I use whatever deck I feel like using. However, there is one deck (ToD) that I will use solely for myself. Simply because it will be my most expensive deck and I don't want anything to happen to it. Of course, I haven't bought it yet since my stimulus check has not yet arrived. :D

I'm not one that worries about energies and I don't cleanse my decks.

I'm still in the IDS and I've had no problems using the same deck for everything. But I have found that my usual sitters are missing the Gilded so I do bring it as a back up for those that prefer that deck.


Hey I'm happy you found my question interesting to discuss!

Personally I think that both options are ok.
I don't think that if you have a specific deck you regularly use for reading for yourself then you shouldn't use it for spellwork...indeed I think I'd feel it more attuned with my vibrations, a more personal and powerful tool..


Tarot imagery is great for clarifying intent in spellwork, so I use it a lot, and I have a deck for that purpose. I prefer to have a seperate deck at least for the practical purpose of having those cards available for long-term spells. I also like to think of it as a sacred tool on my altar.

Especially with candle magic, the rituals where I use tarot require that the card(s) be utilized for several days, such as for the duration it takes until the desired effect is manifested.

Another example is moon rituals; they sometimes require that the altar is devoted to a full cycle, such as from one new moon to the next, and so on. Full moon rituals usually involve an altar that is set for three days before, the night of the full moon, and three days after. Anyway, those are long spans of time to have a deck otherwise occupied, so I opt for a special deck for the job.

Another reason is that I like a pagan-themed deck for spellwork, while I prefer that my primary reading decks are devoid of any particular theme.


I don't have a deck that I only use for magic or ritual work, yet, although one day I'd like to find one that would be perfect for that use.

But if I did dedicate one deck to that use only, it would be because the imagery was powerful in that context, not because I thought the cards needed cleansing or anything afterwards. I think, personally, that using cards for magic could only increase - or enrich - their energy and resonance.

Just my two cents. I like things with history. I don't like sterile things.

\m/ Kat


Cerulean said:
Easyboy82 asked this question:

Do you think that a deck can be used both for readings and for spells (cleansing the cards used for the spell after its conclusion of course) or would it be better to have a separate deck to use only for spellwork?

Separate is better. You can do either, but cleansing them takes considerable time and energy if you cast a strong spell.

I've been much happier since I switched to separate decks. My giant Thoth was *perfect* for spellwork, and it's much happier on my altar than on my reading table. My spells have much improved, too. :) The energies from that deck were often too 'broad' for my reading style, but they were powerful, and that made them just perfect for spellwork.

Before that I was using the deck I was most connected to at the time, cleansing it afterwards, and it was making my readings wonky and the spells were not as good as they currently are. Selecting a specific Tarot deck seems to have been 'just the ticket' for my spellwork. *knocks on wood*

I've also bought cheap mini decks specifically to 'sacrifice' cards for mojos or jar spells... though I suppose one could make copies as well.

I perform long spells as well, some are as long as 13 days, depending on the work, so this would definitely be an issue if I was using *only one* deck.

thorhammer said:
I like things with history. I don't like sterile things.

So do I, which was why the cleansing wasn't working for me.

Not cleansing also made the readings wonky, especially if divining on anything that could potentially be even sort of related to the spellwork in question. (Unrelated issues didn't seem to be affected as much.) It was like hopes & fears on overdrive!