defeating the Three of Swords


everybodies favorite card **choke**. i like using tarot cards for incite on a situation, but i don't believe in fate. i feel that i am in control of what should really happen. we should be able to cut our own threads.

how do you all deal with this mortifyingly powerful card? any example situations?

this card came up for me and i wanted to see how everyone deals with it. I really feel that issues with the Three of Swords should be confronted. It shouldn't be a condemnation to yourself or the situation. the Swords card are our cards of action to become manifestation. if you get this card, there should be an action; it mustn't control our fate. this card does tell you to move on to avoid severe pain. However, the pain is a product of our inaction.

any ideas on this, people?


Hello Cosmo :)

I wouldn't go as far as saying it's my favourite, but I do like it a lot. It's so... intense. A couple of times it came up it was followed by very painful experiences, but I if I could go back I wouldn't change a thing, I learned so much and came out stronger and more comfortable with myself.

For me it's a card of truth, cutting to the chase, facing up to your internal/external 'enemies'. Also it speaks of opening your heart, defeating a fear that is keeping you prisoner. Some times when I see it now I think 'bring it on'... of course others I cringe ;) Because it can also indicate that something is going to hurt big time and I'm not up to it in that moment. But afterwards, it makes sense. Sometimes it just speaks of intellectual pursuits, new ideas, opening new horizons in your mind.

How to deal with it? Be honest with yourself, it puts the swords in your hand.

There are a few threads here on the three of swords if you search using tarot cards.

And welcome to AT!


Well, for me the action required in the three of a good cry.

Yep. I know...doesn't sound very proactive. But it is. It's the beginning of release.

I think this card for me is a very healing card. It just requires the person to pull all them swords out of thier heart, forgive, forget, have a good pity party...and then...move on.

I believe that it is saying that it's no good to keep whining and harping over loss, and relationship woes. Release all the emotions...anger, sadness, grief, loss, and get ready for peace and changes to come when you do.

That's my take, anyway!

Welcome to AT, Cosmo!


I like your take Chronata! And yes, a 'good cry' was an important step in the experiences I mentioned too ;)

6 Haunted Days

To me the 3 of Swords can mean expressing and releasing the pain, heartache, betrayal it protrays. Healing begins....and in the process much deep wisdom is gained, without suffering we can gain no insight or soul growth. Following on the 2 of Swords with the tension, lack of being able to act or being cut off from the emotions and sometimes blind to the reality of a situation it protrays, the 3ofS brings release and the ability to move on, to see a situation as it is and even though it's breaking your heart, accept it.

The 3 of Swords has never been an overly negative card to me, it usually is one of my favourites in a deck.


The three of swords has never stood for betrayal to me, it's just never come up like that. I've seen it representing anxiety, stage fright, sometimes disappointment, and pain. It can be a barrier to healing. On a personal note, this card kept coming up for me and people told me "just cry, let it out" but all the crying wasn't doing squat because the wound was still there. I was carrying around alot of anger but my concern and fear for the wellbeing of person in question was keeping me from releasing it. Once I was assured of the safety of the person in question, the angry poisonous feelings and thoughts were finally allowed to drain away. Only then was the healing able to proceed. So, the 3 means fear to me and if I can define what it is I fear then those swords become useful tools rather than obstacles.


I just came back from a reading in which it played an important role. It was a reading between me and two of my bandmates, call them A and C, about the struggles we've been having. There was a card for each of us, and a card in the middle about the intersection between us. C was the Three of Swords. The card in the middle, the conflict, was the Knight of Swords. I read the Knight as a clash of minds, a disagreement over strategy. It fit into my card and A's card in their own ways, but looking at C's card, it said clearly that the conflict we're having is cutting to the quick, right through the heart. And it's not just the two others doing it to him, his own sword is piercing his heart, too.

This is definitely true. He takes everything involving the band personally, and he lets it hurt him very deeply, when really musical things shouldn't get in the way of our personal relationships. I took this to mean that we must do what we can to settle our disagreements, because it's taking too much out of C.


The three of swords

A sword, by the time it's reached three, I read as a conflict that has gone beyond uneasy feelings. Whether or not the parties to the conflict acknowledge it, they're engaged on very deep levels. The issue has taken on a life of its own.

The good news is conflicts don't have be cut and slash affairs. Swords are also the suit of the mind. If the participants can bring themselves to address the conflict rather than acting to redress injury, the damage can be limited and healing can begin.

Sometimes, anyway. ;)


It would really depend upon the question asked as to how one should act upon receiving a 3 swords, it can mean various things, all depending upon the question. For instance, you can cause pain and suffering for others, and others can cause pain and suffering for you, you can hurt yourself or you must make a painful decision that will affect you etc.


It depends on which deck you're using.
If you're using a deck with a heart pierced by 3 swords a la Rider-Waite-Smith then yes, it looks like a bit of a gloomy card but what if you're not using a deck with a depressing image then the meaning will be different.

Swords to me are about communication and the mind as well as conflict.
Threes are about the synthesis of one and two, they relate to The Empress and so are about creativity, growth, expansion, integration and progress.

The three of Swords is the thing that breaks the stalemate of the two. It's the decision being made and the action taken.
It's a release that allows for new growth.
It's a good cry (sometimes).
It's saying what needs to be said, even if it's painful.
It's creative thinking or thinking outside of the box.