Different Meanings For Books&Cards?


That Scott Hollander book is a real "clunker" I had it and was not impressed at all...threw it out.
I think you just made a bad book choice as a second book.
I recently got a book called Tarot Masterclass by Paul Fenton Smith.
I've really enjoyed reading it and as I did I kept thinking this would be a nice beginner book.
Really covers all bases with a very good section on card meanings...comprehensive, but not off the wall.
Maybe check it out.


SunChariot said:
Does that even make any sense??? Someone who rapes you might steal your body for a time, but they sure can't steal your heart. There is no way you can get someone's heart, by going about it in that way. Makes no sense at all.

It worked for Luke and Laura on General Hospital back in the 80's. But of course that's a soap opera and doesn't have any connection to the real world. ;)

But back on topic, just because it's written in a book (or online) doesn't mean that you have to use or agree with that particular definition if it doesn't resonate with or make sense to you....



SunChariot said:
Does that even make any sense??? Someone who rapes you might steal your body for a time, but they sure can't steal your heart. There is no way you can get someone's heart, by going about it in that way. Makes no sense at all.


I like RW's take on a Luke and Laura scenario. Maybe it was a card that came up the day the author was doing readings on what Jerry Springer's show would be about and it just so happened to be the "I fell in love with my rapist" show.

Sorry -- OT comment -- but it does go to the point that a card can take on some very strange meanings depending on the situation you are reading for. There's not a book out there that can cover every nuance life presents.


One reason it is good to learn on a RWS is that most of the decks published today are based on that system, and if you know it really well, you can take it and apply it to most decks (you'll learn to recognize quickly when a deck uses another system, and you may like those too!) by recognizing the same themes.

You may get more mileage by not using any books, or just the one that feels right to you, and keeping a journal to figure out what the cards mean to you, because that is the most important meaning there is.

And when in doubt, just look at the image, and let it speak to you. That works, other wise we could just get 78 pieces of paper and label them 1-78 and pull those and read them.


It isn't unusual for different sources to give different meanings. Their disagreements are actually less of an issue when you look at lots of authorities instead of just two or three. After a while you'll see your eighth author who gives meaning X for card Y, and you may find yourself saying, "Oh, you're one of those people." It stops being disturbing.

And when your Marseilles arrives, all those books about how to interpret RWS based pictures won't matter as much. And, of course, probably won't help as much, either. The TdM may give you a different basis for looking at what reading the cards may mean. And that may affect the way you approach books and LWBs and Internet posts.


Seafra said:
but it does go to the point that a card can take on some very strange meanings depending on the situation you are reading for. There's not a book out there that can cover every nuance life presents.
And there's not a book out there that can cover every potential meaning for any card in the deck. When I was a few years into learning the tarot, I realized that there were different (and sometimes conflicting) meanings for the cards from different sources. I hadn't realized back then that I should accept what resonates and reject what doesn't. So I set about making my own master index of meanings from the 30-odd books I had at the time. And this was using pen and paper. I really didn't get that far on it, truth be told. I wonder if I still have those pages or if I finally recycled them....
