Differing Interpretations (Seven of Swords)


I was doing a reading about a new job opportunity and the Seven of Swords appears consistently throughout my readings. The thing is, my deck (Medieval Scapini) interpretation means "new hope, fantasy, creation", etc, but when I look online it seems that the Seven of Swords has much different meanings (betrayal, deceit) ! The cards around it seem to be fairly positive (Star, Popess, Force) but I'm still not sure.

Which definition would you go along with? It seems to be a very important card in my future, but it's just so different :/


When it comes to decks that don't fit the RWS mold when it comes to their interpretations provided by the author/LWB, I always default to what the imagery of the card itself says to me. In the case of the Medieval Scapini, I think the imagery is much closer to its own interpretation ("new hope, fantasy, creation") than it is to RWS interpretations for the card.

Which interpretation makes the most sense to you in terms of the other cards you've been getting in your readings?


Hi, Daylin. Swords often relate to the mind - to thinking, communicating, using one's brain. The Druidcraft Tarot shows a scholar hard at work in his study, with tomes and quill pen. It isn't always a negative card about cheating!
So for you, this card could indicate study and hard mental work to increase your career chances. This also fits in well with your own upbeat interpretation.
Best of luck! :)


7 of Swords frequently comes up for me when there is something in a situation that is being deliberately hidden. It could be something relatively benign or it could be a shameful secret, but something is not being revealed. OR, I've also had it come up for someone being suspicious of the querent's motives.

I agree, though, if the imagery on the card depicts something different, go with what your gut is telling you based on the card itself, rather than traditional meanings.


When you think about it with an open mind, the 7 of Swords can mean thinking about things or doing things in a way that's not the usual. If someone needs some swords but can't buy them, they have to think of some other way to get them. So thinking outside the box would be a good way to look at it.


I would think that especially since it seems to make sense within the definitions of the deck itself, and considering how it seems that it would make sense within the spread you did with the other more positive cards you drew, that you should not worry about the more traditional interpretations of the card. The deck has the definition it has of the various cards for a reason. Plus, it is much more important, even beyond that to go off of the feeling the card itself puts off, so as long as the card gives *you* the initial impression that it is something positive, intuitively, that should really be all that matters.

Best of luck with your new job opportunity!


Since in the title it suggests variations of interpretation I will give mine;

I use the Thoth deck


Swords, in one of their aspects of signifying mental processes, can be troublesome. When our mental processes are in harmony or unity the mind is like a tool of the magician , this is signified by the ace. By the time we get to 7... that's a lot of swords. Also 7 relates to Venus, Venus is not known to be a strong independant energy so when that combines with swords there is little to 'lift it up'. The cards 'astrology' doesnt really help here either; Moon in Aquarius ... the Moon does not have the needed energy to lift up and focus the mind ... here it is more of a 'diffuser'.

The different handles of the swords show planetary symbols and in turn these represent mental states , in this case, of negativity ;

Mercury - the mind is protesting that it cant understand, work out or calculate what it needs to - for the process or object in question.

Venus - and it doesnt really care or feel passion about it.

Mars - dont have the energy for it anyway or know how to approach it , in what direction.

Jupiter - its too big or large anyway and my luck has been bad lately, things will probably turn out like they usually do.

Saturn - the whole thing is too large and will require too much focus and discipline.

The trick is (see the card) to turn this all around, get those swords working positively and pointing in the same direction as the Sun central sword of self, instead of clashing with and disrupting it. Too many conflicting ideas.

I would venture to say this could apply to your reading process as well, because;

Daylin said:
I was doing a reading about a new job opportunity and the Seven of Swords appears consistently throughout my readings.

Either your deck has multiple 7 of swords or you meant "I have been doing readings". Personally, I think doing continued readings on the same subject is counter-productive and may lead to the negative energy outlined in the 7 of swords.

Also, in the Thoth cards they relate to areas of the celestial sphere - the decans ;

Crowley says (in the 4 sevens); “ … bar miracles, can (not) bring any endeavour to fruition.” – This is the ‘miracle’ to be able to turn it all around and get the mind working for you.

The G.D. title is The Lord of Unstable Effort. That seems to describe the process as well.

This card is the 3rd decan of Aquarius;
• Ibn Ezra: An angry and deceitful black man who has hair in his ear, and on him a crown from the leaves of a tree, and he turns from place to place.
• Picatrix: A man with his head shortened [cut off?] and who has an old woman with him. And this is a face of abundance, of the perfection of the will, and of insulting behaviour.
• Agrippa: A black and angry man; and the signification of this is in expressing insolence, and imprudence.

The Vedic image of the decan describes a dark man cooking up herbs and medicines in a pot, but he keeps continually changing the recipe. An image of the unfocused mind or plan of action where the smaller planetary swords take over and change the operation.

Aside from this, I think certain stars in that part of Aquarius can give the decan (and hence the tarot card) their influence , beyond that (it is my theory) that significant stars off the ecliptic and related by extension of longitude are also included (the same as a astrological 'sign' extends from pole to pole from the ecliptic, like a segment of orange.)

Here we find Scheat

According to Ptolemy Scheat is of the nature of Mars and Mercury; to Simmonite, of Saturn; to other authors, of Saturn and Mercury; and, to Alvidas, of Neptune in square to Saturn or Mars. It causes extreme misfortune, murder, suicide, and drowning. [Robson, p.206.]

Tied up with 'malefics', this could lead the native to lose his life in catastrophes, such as floods, shipwreck, mining accidents, airplane accidents, or maybe suicide. On the other hand, it is possible for a positive influence to emanate from Scheat, but only for some people, it can have a positive effect on their mental creativity, if these people are ready to receive such inflow . [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.82.]

With a malefic and the moon with Sirius (29 Leo), death by fiery cutting weapons or by beasts. If the Moon be with Vega (14 Capricorn), violent death. [Robson, p.206.]

With Sun: Danger through water and engines, liable to accidents or drowning. [Robson, p.206.]

With Moon: Worry, loss and gain of friends through criticism, danger of accidents and by water. [Robson, p.206.]

With Mercury: Many accidents and narrow escapes especially by water, many enemies, trouble through writings, bad for health and domestic affairs. [Robson, p.206.]

With Venus: Evil environment, suffering through own acts, danger of imprisonment or restraint. [Robson, p.207.]

With Mars: Many accidents, sickness to native and relatives. [Robson, p.207.]

With Jupiter: Many voyages, losses through law, friends and relatives, danger of imprisonment. [Robson, p.207.]

With Saturn: Danger of death in infancy, domestic trouble, colds and consumption, death by drowning or accident. [Robson, p.207.]

(Here is seen a similar negative influence of each planet, similar to what we examined above,yet, as also outlined above there is a way to remedy it with correct operation of the mind or “ it is possible for a positive influence to emanate from Scheat, but only for some people, it can have a positive effect on their mental creativity" .)

IMO cards are not just made up ideas by the decks creators, they aren't just what is on the picture ... what if the decks creator knew nothing of the above and decided this was a good card? It isn't just opinion, it should be backed up by various systems and developments ... when they start to fall in sync, then you know you are getting somewhere.

If you can get those swords all turned around and pointing with the Sun sword it very well could be (as you say) " a very impotent card in my future".


... The deck has the definition it has of the various cards for a reason. ...

Agreed ... for SOME reason ... unless the reason can be demonstrated, it could be anything. And if that reason is not defined it cant be analised to test its authenticity.

Making up reasons and nice pictures is fine, but perhaps this is more to do with 'oracle cards' and not Tarot ? (Although I admit nowadays the line between them seems indistinguishable )


Which definition would you go along with? It seems to be a very important card in my future, but it's just so different :/

When you looked at that particular card, how did it make you feel? Did it seem overly positive at the time of the reading, or overly negative? Did it seem in the moment of the reading hopeful and creative, or full of deceit and betrayal?

A reading is not about what is in books, although books can deepen our understanding of each card. There are only 78 cards, and many millions of situations people can be in, with only 7u8 cards to describe them. This is where intuition comes in - and the intuition of the moment. How a card feels during a particular reading, and what details or colours you do or don't notice at that one time, have a bearing on how you read it - that once.


There are only 78 cards, and many millions of situations people can be in, with only 7u8 cards to describe them.


I would think that would apply if you only took a single book meaning of a card and did a one card spread. Aside from the intricacies of variant interpretations in 'the field' of a card, even by pairing the cards you get more than 78 interpretations ... in a 10 card spread, for example, it works out to more than 4,566,176,969,820,000,000 different combinations . That's over 4.5 quintillion.

A bit more than 'millions' of situations ... even so , I live a pretty full life and have , as yet, only encountered about 1 quintillion situations, so .... I guess I have not exhausted the deck's possibilities of situations yet :) .