Discovering Runes........


Thanks for sharing that, Moonbow! I love seeing the sets people make! When I work out how to downsize pictures small enough to attach to threads, I shall show you all the set my housemate made using crystals and a glass engraver.

One reason why I love runes is simply because they are so versatile, and you can have a lot of fun making different sets. They make great Christmas and birthday gifts too! :D




Okay, thanks to Majecot I have resized the image, and you can now see the crystal rune set my housemate made...


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WOW! Kiama!

He/she did that? They are excellent... You probably know how much sets like that cost in the shops......

So nice to see what can actually be done by making your own. I made the glass nugget ones - which I have now given to my daughter.

Does anyone have a picture of wooden ones they have made?


Your runes are quite pretty, to both of you. I already have a set of runes I got along with a divination encyclopedia a long time ago. I didn't really connect with them. I decided lately to make my own set but to create my own system of symbols as well. I made them when I was with my friend last month. I think I will redo them with FIMO though and add more symbols. My friend sewed me a pretty pouch in felt for them.


Kiama those are awesome too... I cannot wait to see Moonbows* crystal set.

I have a set that I bout about 7 years ago, and like wise, I did not connect, oh hell I just plain did not understand :confused:.
So I packed them away in a box with the book and they still sit there.
Maybe someday..... when I am ready ...

Glad I could help Kiama :)


I've made wooden ones. I'll take a pic and post it when I get home.



Majecot said:
Kiama those are awesome too... I cannot wait to see Moonbows* crystal set.

Ok Ok ...... I get the hint Majecot I will get a picture done of them and post here too....

Woolfy..... any chance of seeing a picture of yours?

P_S - can't wait.....

When I have finished ogling my Gilded and life calms down a bit for me I will get involved with the study group (or try - at least)


Maybe at some point I'll borrow a digital camera and snap
the clay rune set I made... They're quite small, and I make sets like that for my friends who have small hands.

I am eager to see the wooden set: did you find it easy to make?



Here they are, my home-made wooden runes.

Kiama, yes they were easy to make because I had some help from a very special friend. They started as a branch that had fallen from a tree that he'd planted to commemorate the death of his dog.

So together we sawed the disks (I held the branch, he sawed - he was stronger than me). Then, using a burning engraving tool, he carved out the symbols (I instructed, he carved - he was neater than me).

We thought we had one left over, so he carved a flower, and drilled a hole in the middle, so that I could attach (sew) it to the outside of the bag (at least I could do something). You see, I’ve made matching bags for some of my decks, so I’m coordinated when I travel with my tools of the trade. Each of my bags has a distinctive mark so I can tell them apart at a glance.

Anyhow, I think the wood was apple box and then I used several layers of real bees wax to coat and protect them. It wasn’t until much later that I realised I didn’t have a blank rune (and we could have used that extra one after all). I’d gone without a blank rune for such a long time, I wondered if the other runes would now accept an intruder. I decided not to include it.

I like the feel of the real wood and the fact that my friend helped me make them. I haven't used them in a while though. So thanks Moonbow for making me dig them out.



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They are fabulous! I would love to have some home-made wooden ones like that........ they're particularly special because a freind made them and from a specal tree.....

I'm glad you have come across them again.......