Divination With Cards in 1540


Giraldus of 1540...and Yeat's (fictious?) history

A real live character, Giraldus of 1540, was given a re-invisioned history and mingling with WB Yeats from the Golden Dawn...

Kathleen Raines has written extensively of the WB Yeats and the collected works "Yeats: The Initiate" not only has the Golden Dawn history with the cards and Yeats but also discussion in section XIII of "Giraldus" of Ferarra who sought refuge under Duke Ercole II.

I'm going to try to link you to the exact post where this citation links to the historical account of Giraldus given in lively lecture format by Jacob Burkehardt, reprinted in my Phaidon edition...


Anyway, the lovely thing about Yeat's "The Vision" is the mix of his pulling thoughts from his understanding of history and the 'channelled' automatic writing from Mrs. WB Yeats (referenced and identified so by Kathleen Raines)...my thought of the integrated Giraldus and historical with the fiction of Yeats--complete with references to Italian commedia d'arte, a mysterious manuscript from an erstwhile priest who disappeared with gypsies, and dedication to many erstwhile people he know in the Golden Dawn...

History re-envisioned sometimes doesn't stray far from the poetic Italian romantic threads that runs through tarocchi history...and it's silken spinning through the romance of Ferrarese myth-in-the-making is something I still hold dear...
