DND: Oct-Dec 2016



The reading about a "sick" person was done on October 2nd, 2016, and the Psychic/Medium evening was on October 29th, 2016. 27 days later.

I was told then about the family member being sick and for a reason.

However, until I return to NZ, I will not know for sure. But I would not put it passed this person to "keep things quiet" as it has happened before. Thus the idea of a "funeral plan flyer" and book on "death prep". :D

The POINT is - I did find out about a specific person being "sick" and someone in the "family" within the "timing" given of a "month".

Will update this when I have spoken to that person face to face to see what is the haps.

DND :)

Adding: MOON could be in reference to ONE MONTH as well.





More of a connection to the occult, an amorous encounter, and either a visit to the doctor or something to do with the professions.

Closest thing to the "Occult" would have been:

1) My Halloween Weekend away and the seance night I did not want to participate in.

2) Becoming more aware of and actually paying attention to "signs" like "butterflies", "moths", and "spiders".


1) I did visit a doctor, but just for a prescription refill. E.g. Sleeping pills. (So, I do not think that quite counts).

2) Did contact Lawyer and one Psychologist for information.

DND :)


NOTE: Psychologist was only last week, so not within the deadline.

DND :)

Closest thing to the "Occult" would have been:

1) My Halloween Weekend away and the seance night I did not want to participate in.

2) Becoming more aware of and actually paying attention to "signs" like "butterflies", "moths", and "spiders".


1) I did visit a doctor, but just for a prescription refill. E.g. Sleeping pills. (So, I do not think that quite counts).

2) Did contact Lawyer and one Psychologist for information.

DND :)



1) The one who I was told of by the Medium back in October has had colds/flus and ongoing issues with the back and bones. Have spoken to this person.

Am not sure if this is the RIGHT ONE.

2) Discovered today through a phone call from a family member that one male (young) in our family has something wrong with a valve in the heart. Close family member.

This could be the ONE.

3) Also, today I discovered that another close family member has been tested in the last week for something like cervical cancer and is still waiting on the test results.

Not sure this is the ONE as nothing to do with the heart, but she has had some dark moments in her life etc.

Maybe it is not just ONE that has to be considered under the circumstances.

DND :)

Cards for the NOW: Lenormand/Kipper/Psycards.

Lenormand: Blue Owl 5 cards/ Kipper: Extra Insight. Psycards: Advice.
What do I need to know about life in general now and in the coming months that I may not be aware of?

What is going on around me that I do not know?



1) RECENT PAST: Someone known to me whether a good friend or family member is either very sick (lungs/chest/depression) and/or going through a dark patch or time.

This has already happened and not in the too distant past.

However, looks like things could be looking up, as there is a second wind or chance. Even an opportunity from the situation for this person or anyone that knows her/him.

In fact, it seems to be indicating an opportunity and some kind of recognition plus a financial reward. (Not inheritance I think).

The bottom line is it is connected or due to this situation with this "sick/depressed person".

Something I do not know - true. Plus I do not know anyone that is sick right now.

2) ANOTHER THOUGHT: Loyalty in doubt could be another scenario.

"Extra Insight: (ME only as I STATED it): "Great Happiness: 26".

If anything negative - it will turn around for the better and if any projects are in the works these will be brought to completion and be successful.

Good times ahead are indicated as well as wealth, contentment, pure bliss, and wishes coming true.

Frustrating thing is - I have no idea what it could be to do with whatsoever! Not NOW or in the coming months.

"Advice: The Sage:31".

1) Seek outside help for any problems that I might be dealing with that may need someone with specialist skills for and so forth. Eg Lawyer/Doctor/Counselor/Financial Consultant.

2) Or...Teacher/Student time.

Well, from time to time I do use a law firm for different forms of paperwork and so forth, and it is one of the top 5 in Australia and International if I read up on it right.

Will keep this in MIND in case I have to utilize anyone else's skills (or theirs) between NOW and 3 MONTHS or so.

DND :)


Let's break this down....

1) RECENT PAST: Someone known to me whether a good friend or family member is either very sick (lungs/chest/depression) and/or going through a dark patch or time.

This has already happened and not in the too distant past.

However, looks like things could be looking up, as there is a second wind or chance. Even an opportunity from the situation for this person or anyone that knows her/him.

In fact, it seems to be indicating an opportunity and some kind of recognition plus a financial reward. (Not inheritance I think).

The bottom line is it is connected or due to this situation with this "sick/depressed person".

Something I do not know - true. Plus I do not know anyone that is sick right now.

Only one person fitted with this and I found out when I was in NZ. A male child in my family. One of my fave little ones too! So, it was not the best of news.

What I will say is this: If it comes down to "medical oversight" or "negligence" there could be a lawsuit for compensation especially if it can be proven that it goes back to birth with what happened around his delivery. His heart stopped about 5 times.

Other than that - I reckon it could be all about "second chances" or a "second wind".

2) ANOTHER THOUGHT: Loyalty in doubt could be another scenario.

I know what this is to do with, but it does not really affect my life.

"Extra Insight: (ME only as I STATED it): "Great Happiness: 26".

If anything negative - it will turn around for the better and if any projects are in the works these will be brought to completion and be successful.

Good times ahead are indicated as well as wealth, contentment, pure bliss, and wishes coming true.

I think my life is blessed already in many ways and the "contentment" is so very true and I usually get what I want or need as I go along. My new place is THE BEST and life could not be better.

I think this part of the reading is still an ongoing thing really and some things are yet to happen as I have "ideas" not really "projects"in the works.

Frustrating thing is - I have no idea what it could be to do with whatsoever! Not NOW or in the coming months.

Ideas only not really projects unless THINGS TO DO kind of count. E.g. Trip to Queensland in March.

"Advice: The Sage:31".

1) Seek outside help for any problems that I might be dealing with that may need someone with specialist skills for and so forth. Eg Lawyer/Doctor/Counselor/Financial Consultant.

2) Or...Teacher/Student time.

Well, from time to time I do use a law firm for different forms of paperwork and so forth, and it is one of the top 5 in Australia and International if I read up on it right.

I think Lawyers and the Psychologist for "Profiling" suggestions would fit with the above.

And I did use both during the 3 month timing period.

DND :)


1) Successful/positive meetings/discussions/negotiations that will go down rather quickly, assertively, be ongoing connected to finances for the long term or run in which money will be gained. Could be Government or Corporate.

2) Productive conversation/meeting to do with a "fitness regime" involving a long term plan in which information will be provided from an official source/building. E.g. Gym.

I think the first one is looking more likely.

Not really to do with me unless to do with my new place. I do not think me though if the truth be known.

Readings can also be about the "people" connected to us as well.

As a MAN did come up in this line I think certain MEN in my family rather than ME could be what this is about 100%.

I think two of my brother in laws:

1) One that wants to start his own business. He is starting all the ground work now to see the pros and cons....set up costs...if it is really what he wants to do.

I think he does, but it is a serious decision so time will tell.

2) My ex brother in law has kind of gone in to a partnership with one of my niece's old time friends. Am not sure what kind of "business", but I am wondering if "legal or not" as I do recall that friend was strong in to heavy drugs like Heroine etc. (Not Ice).

Having said that - on New Years day my ex brother in law posted a SELFIE of himself in a huge pool outside his new mansion of a home. (Big two story home).

So, it must be going well for him! :D

As for the "gym" business that could be my nephew:

He is a fitness instructor/ reality TV "guest" and is getting more and more involved with T.V. as well as Films and hangs out with people like Chris Hemsworth.

Not sure if he would be setting up his own business, but I am sure he would be working on working with "names" and so forth and not just as a gym instructor. This one craves the lime light and although a good person can be a bit up himself, so would do what it takes to climb the ladder.

"KIPPER": Good Lady(6)/High Honors(25)/Rich Girl(12).

Pleasure and enjoyment is indicated as well as the support of an older woman. There is some kind of recognition, reward, promotion, or turn for the better to do with something that I am doing. Success. Could even be regarding the "Arts". :bugeyed:

Am wondering if this is me and my mother. As for the "Arts" - just ideas not anything in the works.

I had an amazing time with my mother in NZ during Nov/Dec and it was all "pleasure" and "enjoyment".

Recognition might be right as well as a turn around in events - we get along more and more as we get older and have a lot more in common like Crafts and Scrabble. Crime TV. Plus family Ancestry research etc.

I would not think recognition for an achievement or a promotion etc. Not the case at all.

PSYCARDS: Prison(37) and Union(40).

I need to be more self accepting and knowing as something is holding me back or there could be an aspect to my life that is limiting and therefore makes me feel trapped or confined. All my own doing too.

The advice is to be self accepting and to self learn as much as possible in preparation for that "freedom".

I think I still need to pay attention to this as I do tend to "limit" myself at times and have not looked at this once in the last 3 months.

Complex: Bringing together opposites, separate elements, and a self journey to confront all the good and bad, dangers, and my true identity. A wholeness will be formed when the conscious and sub conscious merge.

I think I still need to pay attention to this as well.



More of a connection to the occult, an amorous encounter, and either a visit to the doctor or something to do with the professions.

A) Did see a doctor, but just for a script.
B) Two stalkers were my "amorous encounter". Why do men hit on you and follow like puppy dogs just because of a pretty face.

DND :)


There is some really deep stuff in this part and still a work in progress.

What rings through for me quite strongly out of all this is "withdrawal" - like a "time out" I suppose. Always busy on the inside and in everyday life and I do need to "step away" from certain things and just focus on me or very little at all.

As this seems to go into "2017"more than the other readings, I will come back to this at a later time to do feedback, give time for things to evolve or not .

DND :)

Animal Dreaming: Black Bear(28)/Golden Palace (23) The Well Watcher (Hidden Realms).

BLACK BEAR (Introspection):

Need to take time out and meditate and to heed my own personal values and beliefs. Could be a time to break through any illusions and false beliefs and step into the unknown on a Spiritual level.


Good fortunes, ambitions fulfilled, wealth, and prosperity as well as emotional fulfillment.

NOTE TO SELF: One's self worth is not measured by what one has materialistically.

Money and wealth comes and goes and even though it is indicated as "coming in" what needs to be considered is that knowing my "true value" is what will lead to greater riches.

WARNING: Not to hold on to what I believe "security" should look like.


I am being called to the "well".

On doing so the Divine will be bringing miracles and resolutions to my life. More inner work it seems.

It is also about renewing, replenishing, and restoring a balance or harmony to my life.

The Cave (Psycards)/Antelope(1)/Broken Wishbone+Tulip+Valley


Another TIME OUT card.

Work on "withdrawing" more so as to rejuvenate/renew/feel safe/feel secure or perhaps the opposite as in being more social and taking risks.


Some aspect(s) of my old life must die and some doors must close in order for new ones to open. There is always hope and light where there is darkness.


Broken Wishbone: There is one thing I will really WISH for in 2017 that will not manifest or be successful.
Tulip: During 2017 I will feel great passion for something I am doing whether it be, I suppose, personal, social, and/or work or business.
Valley: Book - Deep personal strength and peace that assures "success".

So, in 2017 there will be SUCCESS, but not in absolutely everything I put my mind to and especially with "one thing" in particular. It is a time to withdraw or do the opposite as well as to get rid of what is dead so that new doors will open etc.

MY THOUGHTS: I think ALL of the reading interconnects and entwines in some way and on different levels.

A) Inner work or time out.
B) Financial gain and/or success.
C) Finding my true worth and seeing through falsehoods etc. Like a "spiritual awakening".
D) Security

DND :)


"MAY 22ND, 2017":

Have not really been doing any inner work, but do take time out for myself when I can. Love the solitude and not having to interact with people all the time face to face.

I do not think materialistic things rule the day, but will indulge when I want for myself. However, I do not see it in the same esteem as my self worth. Two different things totally.

Falsehoods are relatively easy to see through as well as to differentiate between something material and something not.

No fortune yet or abundance outside of the norm.

Nothing wrong with more balance perhaps and replenishing the old soul - so that will be this weekend.šŸ˜‚

DND :)

Animal Dreaming: Black Bear(28)/Golden Palace (23) The Well Watcher (Hidden Realms).

BLACK BEAR (Introspection):

Need to take time out and meditate and to heed my own personal values and beliefs. Could be a time to break through any illusions and false beliefs and step into the unknown on a Spiritual level.


Good fortunes, ambitions fulfilled, wealth, and prosperity as well as emotional fulfillment.

NOTE TO SELF: One's self worth is not measured by what one has materialistically.

Money and wealth comes and goes and even though it is indicated as "coming in" what needs to be considered is that knowing my "true value" is what will lead to greater riches.

WARNING: Not to hold on to what I believe "security" should look like.


I am being called to the "well".

On doing so the Divine will be bringing miracles and resolutions to my life. More inner work it seems.

It is also about renewing, replenishing, and restoring a balance or harmony to my life.

The Cave (Psycards)/Antelope(1)/Broken Wishbone+Tulip+Valley


Another TIME OUT card.

Work on "withdrawing" more so as to rejuvenate/renew/feel safe/feel secure or perhaps the opposite as in being more social and taking risks.


Some aspect(s) of my old life must die and some doors must close in order for new ones to open. There is always hope and light where there is darkness.


Broken Wishbone: There is one thing I will really WISH for in 2017 that will not manifest or be successful.
Tulip: During 2017 I will feel great passion for something I am doing whether it be, I suppose, personal, social, and/or work or business.
Valley: Book - Deep personal strength and peace that assures "success".

So, in 2017 there will be SUCCESS, but not in absolutely everything I put my mind to and especially with "one thing" in particular. It is a time to withdraw or do the opposite as well as to get rid of what is dead so that new doors will open etc.

MY THOUGHTS: I think ALL of the reading interconnects and entwines in some way and on different levels.

A) Inner work or time out.
B) Financial gain and/or success.
C) Finding my true worth and seeing through falsehoods etc. Like a "spiritual awakening".
D) Security

DND :)