do you always 'run into' the same star signs?


Cathrine said:
I tend to believe we attract people to us because we have something to learn from them or them from us.

I have learned much from Libras and Pisceans, not always pleasant but now realize was necessary at the time. I rarely run into Taurus. I had the pleasure of dating a couple of Taurus men a couple of years back and was interesting. I have Sun, Moon ,Mercury, North Node in Taurus and we got along just fine. Didn't last though-LOL!I'd like to run into more but haven't.

Chubby Mummy

Hehe well - I know this has definitly happened to me... as i mention sun signs, i mean in general people who have mostly these signs in their planets, ok? (im alot of leo - cancer - which explains why i get on better with fire and water signs)

as a teenager, i had alot of librans around me, close friends, male and female, and the one libran who broke my heart...(who had alot of scorpio planets in his chart) (and then i went on a mission to break it back, but thats a whole different story)...Im just surprised why I havent got any scorpio planets at all in my chart...
Then there were the scorpio men in my life... ive always been attracted to scorpio men, I could never see them as "just friends", and on the other hand the scorpio women in my life, have always been long lasting friendships.(or generally women with alot of scorpio planets i find) This, i guess, shows the intesity between me and scorpios in general.
And then theres the virgos... i married one once,(he also had alot of scorpio planets mind you...) and at the same time my best friend was a virgo. I seemed to "act" very differently around them, more prim and proper - but im alot nuttier than that, so when i dumped hubby, i seemed to act more myself, and the virgo best friend seemed to drift away too...too conservative for a nutty moo like me...
At the mo, i have alot of aries and leo friends, and of course the scorpio friends, who have been in my life throughout....
Ive always had leo friends, male and female, but have never been attracted to a leo before.

So in summary - these are a few of my planets:

sun - leo
rising - virgo
moon - aries
mars - cancer
venus - leo

men ive been mostly been attracted to: virgo (as a teenager only)

my best friends: virgos (as a teenager only)

People ive clashed with: geminis
.................................but most of all - aquarius
.................................some aries - but ive always had from one extreme to the next with aries...

gosh ive really gone on havent i....



The funny thing here, I went through a time when I bumped into, and knew a lot of earth signs, being a Virgo sun sign, Taurus moon, Capricorn ascendant, hardly surprising, I guess. But, having said that they are the ones that I had the most difficulty with at the time, it is almost that by me not liking them, or them just simply getting on my nerves then that was pointing out bits about myself that I didn't like. Thankfully I have grown out of that, and I seem to get along with without being extremely annoyed by the earth signs.

Usually, for some strange reason, I attract a lot of Aquarians, a few Geminis, and a few Librans. It is not a strange reason when I really think about it, as my oldest brother is an Aquarius, my mum is a Gemini, and my middle brother being a Libra (I'm the youngest).

Seem to not attract so many water signs, or fire signs.



Al Si'ra

I was wondering about the same thing..Because i mainly have cancer and aquarius capricorn around..only 3 kinds of people lol..

I dont have one single fire-person around me

Mostly air and water-and only capricorn as earth.


Lady Orchard

This happens to me too. I'm a capricorn with virgo rising. My two best friends are also earth signs - one virgo, one capricorn. But more strikingly, any man I am attracted to usually turns out to be a virgo. My partner is one, as were 2 exes. I strongly believe in astrology - not Russell Grant style day to day horoscopes (although I read them!) but the sun sign traits we carry. I think we're instinctively attracted to people who share similar qualities to ourselves, or maybe in the case of partners, to each other.

Dancing Bear

I'm with Chubby Mummy. I'm also a Leo.
The funny story regarding sun signs is I had 2 boyfriends in a row both born on the 11th March they drove me absolutely nuts, picky picky picky!! We Were lucky to last 5 minutes. LOL!!
Then had a flat mate, female also born on the 11th March. Again Picky Picky Picky. Drove me nuts!!!! This all happened within 18 months.Learnt my lesson Hehe... Love em as friends to hang around with and have a laugh but never ever can i live with a Pisces. My Mum is also a Pisces born 13 March, I left home Young, Couldnt stand it any longer. I love her dearly and we get along fantastic now, Put me and a Pisces under the same roof in a living arrangement and firecrackers go off every 5 minutes. I really am no good with Water signs, Even though i have a few Cancerian traits., Love the looks of Scorpio's and can have any sign as a friend. But can only live with Earth & Air & Fire signs.

Dancing Bear :)

edited to mention both Hubby's are earth signs, 1st hubby was a Virgo, and 2nd hubby and still is Hubby a Capricorn.