Do you carry single/couple of cards around?


Does anyone pick a "card for the day" and carry it with them? I wanted to see what today's visit to my in-laws would be like and I pulled out the King of Cups. Not too bad. My husband and I are having marital problems and I haven't seen his family since April. I am sure he has talked to his mom about what has been going on and that has trickled down to his sister and such. They are not very open/up front people and I am sure they will put on a happy face but I honestly have no idea what their attitude about me is now.

Anyway, is it a bad idea to separate the cards from the deck and carry them around? I have never done it before but I kind of felt like taking this particular card with me today as a "security blanket".



Nope. I dont carry a single card around.. I usually carry the whole deck.. You never know who might want an emergency reading.. :D


I try to bring a deck or a few decks with me, when I can. Upstairs, downstairs, on the bedside table, next to me on the computer table, to family gatherings, on daytrips, etc. I would never just carry a card around because it would get all bent up and ruined.


Hi BuddhaGoddess,

I've never carried a single card around with me because I'd be afraid of bending or damaging it.

If you have some way to protect your card though and you would like to be able to feel its energy with you then I see no problem with seperating one card from the deck.

I prefer to have a whole deck with me - as a_shikhs has already said - it comes in handy if someone fancies a reading and I fancy doing one :)

Do what ever feels right to you - I think that seems to be the 'golden rule' with Tarot :D


I sometimes turn the 'card of the day' face out on top of the deck. That way it is separate and special but still protected.


A number of my books have suggested that, but like the others said, I don't want a card damaged. What you could do, in order to understand the nuances of the card thru the day is make a photo copy...


buddhagoddess said:
Does anyone pick a "card for the day" and carry it with them?
I've done that years ago when I just started with Tarot. I would basicly fan the deck after waking up, pick a card and then keep it with me (handy when you're wearing clothes with inner pockets ;)). Another advantage was that my deck was pretty sturn so the cards didn't bend easily. At the end of the day the exercise was to see in what way the card could reflect with the past day. It helped me to develop a better understanding.

After that I used to try a 3 card reading every now and then and eventually I became "stuck" to my current favorite spread; the Celtic Cross.


I often carry the cards with me from my self-readings, which are usually 3 cards. I place them either in plastic sleaves in a 3-ring binder, or in the inner pocket of a Moleskine notebook, so they are protected from slipping out and being damaged. I like to refer and reflect on them during my train ride to/from work, and then post thoughts on them in my notebook.



Yes, I carry one of my RWS decks around with me and I pull one card a day for study and meditation. I recently had a local, professional reader tell me I should not do that becuase it will bring forth bad spirits....whatever.

I love to have my cards with me...I pull them out when I am waiting at the doctors office or something like that and study them a bit. If the kids are with me, I get them involved and it gives them something to focus on...instead or running around disturbing the peace :).

We even play games. I tell the kids to pull a card and do the pose of the person in the card, or I get them to tell me everything they see if the card to see what little details they pick up.


I am another person that carries an entire deck ... but I usually pick a card in the evening before I go to sleep and watch out through the day for references/results related to it.