Do you tell everything - good, bad or UGLY?


Hi All,

I've been reading a lot lately and I have been wrestling internally with an issue .... I see things I don't always reveal. The first few minutes of a reading or so I usually try and feel the sitter out and see how deep I can go. I wonder if my censoring isn't censoring my abilities.

I try to listen very carefully to my inner guide when I have some tough news to impart. I saw a death last night (clear as day) - I said your burden will be lifted soon.... the sitter didn't get it and I didn't elaborate - she wasn't whole in any sense of the word so I knew that was the best I could do.

This is not about me doubting what I see but more about the damage knowing might do. Although.....if they are at my table and I know this then possibly the universe wants me to be the messenger. I don't know. :confused:

I was talking to a friend today and she told me this psychic had told her that she would have 3 husbands. She is on #2. I read her as well and yes the potential is great that #2 isn't the end all but I didn't want to dash her hopes or unduly influence her decision to end it. The psychic told her this when she was with #1. I don't know about the ethics on this.

I had a reading in college that has stuck with me these many years. She was dead on with everything. I asked her when I was going to get married (yup I was one of those :laugh: ) Anyway she pulled cards and got somber and serious. I looked into her eyes and there was a flash. She answered the question - I would be married later in life - but she didn't elaborate. I knew enough not to ask any questions. I know now what she saw. She saw a death - she saw a descent of spirit etc.... am I giving her more credit than is due - no! That eye lock has remained in my memory for over 20 years.... she saw it all - she didn't tell me.

People have asked me flat out if I will tell them everything and I have been very upfront about it. I answer I have to see what you can handle.

I believe we have a responsibility to FIRST DO NO HARM.

What do you guys think?

thanks :heart:


I am pretty much with you - I am as DIPLOMATIC as I can possibly be when facing such challenges.

I had a client when I was working for Kasamba - I even had a thread up about it.

She was involved with a VERY rich, VERY married man - & her only question ever was mere variations on, "When is the divorce?"


All I could see was an endless road of 0 change, nothing EVER gonna happen, nope, no way, nada, zip, zilch.

I worked with her for something like a year (?) - NOTHING ever changed...

Sometimes it's best to look out for not only the client, but yourself, as well - I priced out of her range & lost touch.

As for really MAJOR stuff, like births, marriages & deaths - they do happen, & somehow one has to wrap one's ethics & work habits around a way to deal with them.

Don't know if this was really much help, at any rate...

Dancing Bear

If I see something that i know is going to be uncomfortable to the client ..
I ask do you want to know everything..

If the situation in front of me is very harmful and hurtful to the client i also do as you Blackroseivy..

I had a woman the other night, and her husband was there to take notes..
I saw that she was unhappy in her relationship with him and need more..
I said to them that i see something in the cards that is a little awkward for me as it concerned both of them..and then popped the question...DO you want to know everything?

when i got the point , where I had to reveal the personal things about their relationship it was a little awkward but i let them know what the cards were saying...
I was relieved when they told me they had actually touched on the subject that morning, but not so were grateful a third party was bringing it up.. Phew!! LOL!

many years ago I saw the suicide of a young woman client.. I was inexperienced myself with the ways of the world back then , over 20 years ago..and inexperienced in readings( i palm read back then) , i had just ventured out so to speak..but experienced enough to trust what i saw..
so for me this was a definate shock and confused as to how to deal with it..
I Used a lot of my own resources to help her.. and I truly hope i did..
She was torn between two lovers, and pregnant, not knowing who the father was..she was obviously from overseas, so i called upon all the skills i was born with .. I tuned into passed over loved one for her without her knowing, and he told me a little about her home and that she needed to go home. there she will find peace and the answers she seeks..
She did go home (overseas) without commiting suicide, we got a letter from her saying all was good, we never knew anything about the baby, but I was grateful she was still alive..

I have never come accross another palm reading like it,, and hope i never will.
I have come accross those who are deeply depressed and can see no hope, no light, and have tried to commit suicide prior to seeing me....
Luckily i have been there,and a whole lot more wiser to worldly experiences. to know how impressionable you can be, and take words extremely literal in a negative sense..
so am very careful to how i word my readings. and always try to turn a negative into a positive.. to hopefully give them tools to do the same.
Some i hear from later and all is going well.. and some i dont hear from and I pray they have found peace and still with us enjoying Life and Love..

as a palm reader also.. I see how many emotional attachments a person may have in their lives..I only tell those who are single..

There is not much you can do for those who cannot and will not read the writing on the wall.. especially in the affair case you mention..

I get people asking me,, what job is best for me?? shall i quit this job to take that one..Shall i leave my husband/boyfriend ? If i leave my husband/ boyfriend, is there another out there for me? should i sell my house and move on?
all of these difficult questions we all can face in our lives at times..
as a Reader I can see, where they should be going.. But i will never tell them.. Because ethically i will never ever tell someone what decision to make, especially as large as is their path and it is up to them to make their own choices..whether they be right or wrong in their eyes, they must choose there own path...
I can give them an overview of both paths, but ultimately it is their choice, their decision..

We have much resposibility as readers..we dont get paid near enough for all of the responsilities we have..
But we still do it, because we cant help ourselves but to shuffle them cards , savouring the feel and smell of those cards , and wait in anticipation what combination will come out and reveal what our client needs to know..It is not only a curiosity, a Passion but also a need to help.. a calling so to speak..

Love and light to you
Blackroseivy and Franniee


franniee said:
I answer I have to see what you can handle.

But only God/Creator knows what the sitter can handle and we're not Him/Her. If we're given the information, then I believe we need to try to find a way to relay it somehow.


Thanks BRI, Dancing Bear and Griz!

I read a woman not too long ago who's daughter was in dire need of help. I saw a suicide there as well. The woman was rough! She wouldn't acknowledge a thing I said. I persisted because I couldn't not. I explained that her daughter was in trouble. I began slowly at first but the fact that she was being so obtuse made me get direct. I spent a lot of time with her on this! I told her how she was supposed to bring her daughter out of this dark hole and she looked at me and said " Does it have to be me?" :bugeyed: I said someone has to help her or she will not be around anymore! and that was that!

dancing bear said:
as a Reader I can see, where they should be going.. But i will never tell them.. Because ethically i will never ever tell someone what decision to make, especially as large as is their path and it is up to them to make their own choices..whether they be right or wrong in their eyes, they must choose there own path...
I can give them an overview of both paths, but ultimately it is their choice, their decision..

We have much responsibility as readers..we dont get paid near enough for all of the responsibilities we have..
But we still do it, because we cant help ourselves but to shuffle them cards , savouring the feel and smell of those cards , and wait in anticipation what combination will come out and reveal what our client needs to know..It is not only a curiosity, a Passion but also a need to help.. a calling so to speak..

It is the responsibility with regard to free will that is the core of what I am asking about. I don't want to tell anyone what to do either. It is their path after all..... beautifully said! thank you! :heart:


I did a tarot horoscope reading for a woman just today and saw the death of someone close to her. I told her grave illness, and with it, the possibility of death.

Did I wimp out?

I never outright predict death...I just don't want to take that responsibility. Maybe it is chickening out, I don't know.

Dancing Bear

Griz I understand what you are saying..the Universe works in mysterious ways and we are never dealt with more than we can handle at any given time..

Just to explain why I dont is is an example below..

What if you had a pregnant woman in front of you and you saw her having a miscarriage and she is past the half way mark or even at any mark...
Would you tell her?

I certainly wouldnt!! the stress of being told something like that could actually bring one on.. I would prefer to say she needed to look after herself and baby , by taking time out, relaxing more putting feet up.. if she felt there was any concerns about her pregnancy to see her doctor immediately to quell or fix those concerns.. emphasise it is a need the cards or whatever divination system you are using, are pointing to.. But never mentioned a miscarriage..

I was told i was to have a miscarriage.. I never did luckily.. But you know , what the reader said to me so many years before my children .. When i thought about it My stomach would turn in knots.. so from personal experience I wouldnt say "You are going to have a miscarriage" as there are many other things I prefer not to say...
I would and have lay my reputation on the line and be deemed wrong or (she didnt see that coming) by someone than expose some things to clients .. In whom I KNOW would not handle the information...
I knew my sister in laws father was to die in 3 weeks time.. the entire family had been told a week before he had at least 4 years.. so they all relaxed a little...
I knew my sister in law enough to know if i had told her he was going to die in three weeks time she would have punched me in the nose...and gone off all bull headed, and been completely so so upset, as he was the apple of her eye..
Yet in another breathe i WAS able to someone else their grandmother was to pass in about 3 weeks, in which gave him time to say goodbye.. I KNEW he was able to handle it..he did and was grateful..
So as much as we are given the information or just KNOW , we also have an unwritten ethical code to go by and responsibilty , to those who put their trust in us..and those who dont.

It is just my own humble ways of being a reader and what ever else i am that receives information.


Personally, I only now do readings for those who are ready to hear whatever the cards have to say. There are some decks that I use that tell things quite plainly, and there is no way to "sugar coat" things. In the past I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell my Querants what the cards believed they should know, and I found it difficult to explain things in a gentle manner when the cards weren't so gentle :) Now, before I do readings I ask them to only ask questions they are ready to hear the answer to, and if not they need to think of something else :D. Because at times some individuals were not actually prepared for what the cards would share...
But that's just me...


Yep. Everything.

If something bad is coming up, knowing about it will help them prepare and possibly mitigate it. To look ahead is to be prepared. I feel my "job" is to help them work through anything that comes up for them that could be an issue and help them see one or more paths around or out of it... and I've had a couple of real "humdingers," too.

:love: valeria


I remember one ABSOLUTE world of suck reading I did. I mean, I've had others bad, but this one -

The querent had recently lost their best friend in an accident, marriage partner had fallen off the wagon, was cheating, had brought home TB, and was about to lose job. Bankruptcy looming for the client's business and yet more health problems. And a house foreclosure.

Their father was going to die suddenly in three weeks, but not to worry, the other siblings would be quarrelling over the inheritance before he was cold in the ground, and my client, as executor, would be dragged smack into the middle of it. And more. But those were the highlights.

I did NOT tell all. My client was aware of much of what was already happening, we talked about coping strategies, and I mentioned it would be a good idea to see mum and dad this week-end. And worked on more coping strategies, alternative income sources, what could be done for my client's health physically, spiritually, and emotionally, possible housing situations, etc.

But that was as far as I could go. I don't think any of us could have handled hearing a reading like that. It has to be the worst I've seen in terms of everything that could go absolutely horrible was doing so and more was coming.

What earthly good would it have done to tell about the impending death and the probate wars?

None, that I know of.

I don't read for death, unless I see a preventable one, and even then it's more likely to be of the 'humour me and stay away from....whatever...whenever...'

There's a line between honesty and brutality. And we read to help people, not to terrorise them.