Does a 21 Century Real World Issues Deck Exist?


Before this question came up, I was thinking that my favorites seem to be from the medieval/renaissance period. Then I thought maybe that's because there just isn't much out there depicting the time we live in. The LS Pagan was the first that came to mind.

For other modern tarot decks I thought of:
Mage: The Ascension Tarot
Cosmic Tarot
Pomo Tarot

I found those and others at this link:

I think the Manara: The Erotic Tarot has some modern scenes, also.


I am sure many people look at 'traditional' tarot decks and ask what these people in foppish, Medieval costumes have to do with the 'real world;' and the answer is nothing and everything.

Truthfully, the 'Metrosexual' tarot did nothing for me; being 'modern' does not make it 'workable' ~ for me, anyway. That would be like saying just because I am gay that the "Gay Tarot' (not that I have anything against your deck, Lee!) would be absolutely fabulous for me to use ...

Tarot is based on that much overused and maligned word 'archetypes.' Martini glasses or televison sets are not archetypes. They may be workable as suit designations within a certain framework ... but archetypes they are not.

Does a 21 Century Real World Issues Deck Exist? No, probably not. But if you create one .... in the 22nd century it will look as outdated then as the Rider may look to you now.

Major Tom

Breezes said:
i just also wanted a deck that mirrored my everyday life. i need something that relates to the world I live in now.

I have to admit that I wondered what was meant by the title of this thread. Certainly, the deck I use to read for other people addresses real 21st Century issues, but I expect one can use any deck to do so, whether tarot or oracle.

I might suggest that a deck that mirrors your everyday life will not reflect everyone's everyday life. There are as many different worlds as there are people. My photographic deck was created as an example of what you could do with a digital camera and image editing software. Think how much fun and learning that could be. ;)


But Major Tom, your beautiful Tarot of Marseilles is out of print and not available....more, please.

Major Tom

Breezes said:
major tom, your photographic deck (so far) is great. i like it. now that is my world and your world. lovely

Glad you like it. Why don't you contribute a photo of yourself as one of the missing pip or court cards? ;)