Does the mood you're in affect your reading ?


I was reading tarot cards earlier this evening and the readings were pretty clear, and mostly positive. So I got upset or let's say concerned about something and all of a sudden my readings all came out negative. Does your mood affect your tarot reading ?


It has affected my readings in the past, certainly. I don't read often, but if someone's responses to my reading result in me doubting myself, I know that used to affect me. If I'm feeling very confident of what the cards are saying to me, then not so much anymore... But I would only read in the right frame of mind anyway, I think.


Yeah I thought so. Because I was very calm earlier and the readings went well. From now on I`m only reading with a clear mind and not when I`m worried or upset about something.


I know that my mood can completely effect my readings. I know that when I am in a foul mood I have no business reading for anyone. I think it is more of an issue of my judgment, phrasing, and my openness to what the message is for the querent or for myself.

Being at peace, calm and rested are big issues for me and reading. Cranky, tired, and poor attitude means that my readings will reflect that and not be what they should be for the querent.



@ Onyx I haven't read for other people yet. I`m still learning so I read mostly for myself. But yeah I absolutely agree with you. It's funny how it does influence you though.


I tend to find - unless things are really extreme, in which case I know not to even try - that when I'm reading, my mood changes anyway. Sometimes it can actually make negative stuff go away, and I feel better after doing the reading. Weird.

I've certainly done some very positive readings while feeling low in myself... I can remember feeling jealous of my sitter. :D


I don't go near my deck when my mood is off. It totally blocks my intuition and I don't get jack from the cards.


Canadian Girl said:
I don't go near my deck when my mood is off. It totally blocks my intuition and I don't get jack from the cards.

Good point.


cherrypie said:
I was reading tarot cards earlier this evening and the readings were pretty clear, and mostly positive. So I got upset or let's say concerned about something and all of a sudden my readings all came out negative. Does your mood affect your tarot reading ?

I would say that it does, for me any way. When you are concerned about something or upset, these thoughts tend to distract you and don't allow you to "focus" "clearly" on the question at hand. . . That, or the cards will read what I'm worried about and NOT what I ask about. . . I tend to meditate and get to a calm place before reading, so If I can't get there... I don't read.

Just me thought :)

The crowned one

Mood, emotion, colour all our thoughts so, in my mind, there can be no doubt that it influences my response to my reading, and very likely the reading itself. We always have a background state of mind going, and this is going to set the mood to our actions. Often it is unconscious, as we whistle and feel good, or just drag our feet a bit as we feel slightly tired at a level just below our awareness. Our body responding on a homoeostasis level to our mood, untill we become aware of it and say, I feel....

or short answer;)
