does this hold truth?


My mother has taught me just about every "hint" to using tarot cards since I was old enough to suit her desires (I had to be 18!),what she doesn't know is that I take what she tells me with a grain of salt and do my own research. Something she always told me I wonder about. She swears you cannot do a clear reading on yourself,because what you are inquiring about will be bias with your own feelings and emotions. "You will see what you want to see" she always tells me. Sometimes I wonder if I am seeing what I want to see (but alot I see things I'd rather not hear!) or what I feel,there are some things I ask about that I feel so upset and sad about I wonder if they just tell me what I want to see??? Please tell me your thoughts and opinions. It makes me confused sometimes,there is something I am extremely depressed about,when I ask about it,I wonder......

Al Si'ra

well..i am still not sure about it..but i have tested my cards..the ones i pick change as my feelings about the situation change..but tarot does convey personal messages to me when i don't ask something for me..honestly i have to say that..i can't read for myself...and sometimes i can't be read objectively..that is a own feelings and energy can be very very strong which can affect my readers as well..
they act as a mirror..which is very beneficial to see what i am projecting/manifesting in my life..but you know..i have a belief that some things are meant to be in life..and you have this life plan..but you don't have a clear view..and at that point i just need some clearer view..and it doesn't help if i hear about my view again..again not to offend anyone..
but i would have to agree with your mother here :)


Dave's Angel

I'd agree to some extent. Of course your own hopes and wants will colour how you read, sometimes if it's a real million dollar question there are some things you just don't want to hear. The alarming thing is that sometimes you don't realise how your own mind is "editing out" the meaning the cards are throwing at you.

On the other hand, I don't see why this isn't something that can't be overcome with discipline. Take time to clear your head thoroughly before a reading, spend a while thinking about what possible outcomes you wouldn't want to hear, and then if your brain tries to skirt round it, you've seen that trick coming.

On the plus side, when reading for yourself, you're more likely to know much more about the situation, which adds colour and depth to each card you turn up. That's a really good safeguard against a reading going awry, and I think it more than compensates.

Sorry, blind1's mum! :)


I think it depends on who you are, and probably also depends on the situation in question. I think it's possible to read for yourself (as I do) but perhaps it's a bit difficult to be objective.

It also depends on the kinds of questions you plan on asking. I never ask questions about outcomes- my questions are usually phrased as "how should I approach this issue". I think that this might make it a little easier to be objective, because the answer is invariably more open ended than a "what is going to happen in this situation" type question.



I think what she meant is that it's very hard to be objective about things that concern yourself. She didn't mean you'll only see things that are good that you want to see, but also that you're going to be influenced also by subtle fears you may have, even though you may not even realise they're fears. In that respect, you're "wanting" to see negative things.

I know I can't read objectively for myself, so I prefer to stick to reading for others and not for myself. I find it hard to believe that anyone can be totally objective about their own issues. It's just the nature of being human that we're subjective about ourselves for the most part even when we think we're not.


It used to be standard practice, I believe, not to read for yourself, which is why Mary K. Greer wrote her book on how to do it. I've not read the book which is possibly why I find it very difficult to read for myself.


Thank you for this discussion! I'm hoping to turn tarot into a personal transformation/growth tool as I learn more about it, so reading for myself is something I want to become disciplined enough to do affectively. But, I'd also heard that one shouldn't read for oneself. Anyway, thanks for bringing up the topic.


blind1 said:
She swears you cannot do a clear reading on yourself,because what you are inquiring about will be bias with your own feelings and emotions.

"You will see what you want to see".
It's only normal for your feelings to be biased to your internal heart and mind workings. You will see this or that, but there's also, those this and that you see but either do not acknowledge, or do not understand.
I know that some things I do understand, clear as a bell, some things, make me go hmmmmm... and some things in a reading that make me go what? and then those things I see in my personal reading that tease me with ever so subtle 'look the other way' cause I'm not ready to look it in the eye, for some reason, and it tickles at my memories later...

I think...
did that make any sense to anyone, but me?

so, yeah, i believe she's right...

But that shouldn't stop us from trying, right? ;)


I do read for myself and I think it its part of my learning process but I avoid reading if I am upset or too emotional about a situation.
I try to cleanse my mind before every reading but I do have to say that the cards really pick up my feelings at the time( especially bad ones) and the result is often distorted. I generally wait a period of time after an event to do a personal reading to give myself the chance to work through my emotions.
I can see why your mother advised against it but in my case I will continue doing them eventhough the temptation to pick up the cards upset or overly emotional is very strong at times :).


When you look at Tarot it will give you a message you may, or may not, like. It is up to you training yourself to not sugar coat that message.

It’s a dialogue.

Reading Tarot to other may take a few minutes or a few hours; but reading tarot to ourselves takes a lifetime.