Don't Fit the Mold


glaive said:

My tarot readings are becoming deeper and more frequent, so I became a subscriber to Aeclectic Tarot.

I had an interesting experience the other day. I have been giving readings to my friends for a year or so, having read for myself since the early 90s. My friends are always stunned by the accuracy and applicability of my readings to their lives, and have encouraged me to read professionally. I have a good job already, and don't really need the money I could earn byreading. I feel, however, that I would be performing a good service to humanity generally by bringing my readings to the public.

On the advice of a friend, I auditioned at a New Age bookstore for their monthly psychic fair. I gave three cold readings to different store employees who, in my opinion, were deliberately blocking or simply were not interested in having a reading. Nonetheless, the readings went very well (from my perspective), and I learned some interesting facts about them.

The most curious part of the experience was that the store owner was negatively predisposed to me because I didn't fit her idea of what a tarot reader should look like: a middle-aged gypsy woman. I am a handsome man in my mid-thirties, and wore to the audition regular street clothes. She also commented that I wasn't "psychic enough". I explained to her that interpreting the cards is half study and lore, and half intuition, inspiration, and flashes of numinous insight. Perhaps she was expecting me to go into trance and channel Hathors ;)

I am now hoping to discover a wardrobe that will put querents more at ease when they work with me. It needs to be natural (as in, unforced or pretentious), comfortable, and not silly. I am not looking for fashion advice, but rather wonder if others on this forum have experienced similar discrimination based on a preconceived notion of what a psychic should look like.


I'm male. I wear Dockers, a shirt and/or sweater. I've been reading 30 yrs with few complaints or comments that I don't look "psychic enough."



Umbrae said:
I think we actually have a responsibility to help drag Tarot out of the quagmire of disrespectability.

I've been dragging my end up outta the quagmire of disrespectability for 30 years now you can tell that Dan guy he can lift his end a bit higher.:laugh:

In my case Tarot found me and has been a bit of a tar baby so dragging it out of the quagmire of disrespectability has been the only way to go. :D



First off, Scott, greetings to thee, *s*

Secondly, nay, I have ne'er had anyone say squat about what I was wearing when doing a reading... sometimes I'm in costume, sometimes in street clothes... Alas, my street clothes tend to be verra flowing... no jeans, pants, shorts, t-shirts for this lass! *lol*

As to the store-owner who didn't think you were 'tarot-y looking' enough, weel, a pox on her!!! What one shouldst be interested in is: quality... The kind o' marketing she's seeking will only go so far... in the end, folk want good readings, period... So, I'm glad yer not working there... But, you already knew that... ye got a bad vibe from the employees you read for, and a bad vibe from her... So be it!... Spirit has a better place in mind for you, so, dinna give up!!!

As to 'fashion'... If you want to loosen it up a bit, perhaps a pair of jeans or black slacks and a poet shirt... That's not too 'out-there', yet gives a feeling of being a wee bit off the beaten track...

Poet shirt:


Poet shirt! That's what I was trying to think of when I was bumbling around and said "pirate-y shirt".

And thank you peace_pixie! I'd be happy to give you a reading. :D

Briar Rose

Anyone I've ever met, metaphyically, or at a psychic fair doing readings just dressed *everyday* with jeans, or pants.

I like the poet shirt idea. I wish I could get my boyfriend into one!!!!

I think you should just use the clothes from your closet though. You have to be yourself and comfortable with who you are!


We held the Moon Babies Birthday Bash (all Zodiac signs welcome) recently, and for fun during the day made a slew of tie dyes, which are my natural coloration.

Now, I've got reading gear ;)

My thinking is, if I'm in a place that isn't tie dye friendly, there's a problem!


I think the bottom line is that if you're applying for a reading job somewhere, then you should dress whatever way they prefer.

Otherwise, just dress as you like. If you like fitting a stereotypical reader image all the time, then do that.

If you like dressing up just sometimes for fun, but dress in your street clothes the rest of the time, that's great.

I don't think anyone else's standards should influence any reader. You're going to get customers no matter what you do.

I personally like being a little outrageous and standing out from the crowd, but I've always been like that. But I don't like doing that all the time, though, and most of the time, I probably stand out in the other direction----for being unconcerned for what's "proper" for someone of my age.

My own opinion, though, is that people like seeing a reader who has a little flair for the different, whether it's a gypsy look or some striking jewelry or something else that's different.

A guy in a poet shirt, some slacks and Birkies with some jewelry would be the perfect medium between all-out flamboyant and average guy on the street in my opinion. :)


True, if you're applying for a job, you're going by the employer's rules, and perforce the employer's dress code.

This poet shirt idea is sounding more and more appealing ;)


Tarot Attire

I am finding this thread really illuminating. I am moving towards a day when I "go pro", and was wondering what to wear. I have at times encountered some who look askance at my outfits. I choose mainly black,modern things. Kind of a spooky urban look. I live in an NW American city, so I think it is fine. Now I will feel more confident just wearing what I like thanks to all of your sharings. Thanks ever so!


Pacific Northwest Dress


From one Pacific Northwest resident to another: your dress is perfect! ;-)
