Dragon Tarot -- XX Judgement


From the Little White Book

XX Judgement - A three-headed Dragon bursts forth from a tunnel in the ground, armed with a hammer. It moves to one side, where we see an anvil.

Divinatory Meaning- Powerful transformative energies. Immense pressure.
Reverse Meaning- Phoneticism, phobias, obsessions.

Perhaps one of the more imposing cards in the deck, Judgement stands out for it's cool tones - green, blue, and black. The three headed dragon swirls with these colors rather than being confined to just one. Three heads but one body to share amongst them- each seemingly representing good, bad, and the middle ground between the two that most occupy. "There is no escape from their sight, no place to hide." It feels as if they are omniscient, and know everything- there is no place that will shield you from your fate.The hammer they carry is thin, basic- there is no ornate mighty mallet of smiting, just a tool. A "necessary" evil. Nearby is the anvil, representing in some way that our past actions, words, and deeds have forged not only who we are now but our destinies at the time of our passing.

Of particular note is that while the scene is cool, it is flecked with lightning and the hole from which the dragon sprouts from is lacking any hint of fire, or reference to hell in the more traditional sense.

The symbol for Pluto adorns both sides of the bottom of the card.

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Triple Name

Attractio Divina - Divine Attraction
Transformatio Astralis - Astral Transformation
Mutationes in Tempore - Changes in Time

Anvil – Female energy. Others rely on you, and may expect too much. Don’t be taken for granted. The anvil has no fear of the hammer for it knows that together they forge needful things, whether spiritual or protective. Goddess of creation.

Hammer – Male energy, need to get things done and done well, need to hammer out the details of some plan, or an attempted persuasion to the will of another or vice-versa. God of thunder and lightning.

Tunnel - You are reaching the light at the end of your tunnel. You have burst forth as the new light of the sun begins to dawn. You are near the end of the journeys path. The tunnel represents the deepest and darkest part of your journey. Persuasion is easy at this juncture, so do not be alarmed by the crack of the hammer. As any enlightened individual knows change is necessary, and death not to be feared. Entering the astral is our greatest evolutionary process. It is our actions that trap us in the dark cone of the Earth or allow us to evolve to the higher state of existence. So don't fall in the hole, because of your clinging to the material world instead of letting go!

Lightning - The sudden and violent eruption from the ground has generated lightning from the Earth. This represents the spark or birth of enlightenment. Can also mean startling events; sudden insights. It is also the spark of re-integration into the astral.

Three Heads - Through the head we have comprehension, sight, and sound. This head has looked through the window, cut through the oppressive roof of darkness (The Moon), and this archetype is what pulls us ahead on our long path of evolution. Practically it is all that we can conceive about the living and acting deity. The three heads are not to unlike the idea of hear no evil, speak no evil, and see no evil. It is a hydra dragon. Any of these you still exude, this dragon will sense, see, and hear.

The Card - This Arcanum is all about the need for transformation; the willingness to let go of our old ideas, and the need to communicate with our gods and goddesses and learn from past mistakes and transgressions. And that all life returns from the realm of death. The sound of the hammer striking the anvil (or the call of the archetype), the dead emerge from the ground and stand naked (The 3 leafless trees) before God. The two darker trees (mother and father) represent both poles of humanity, and the smaller lighter tree (child) in the back ground is the neutralizing element of Vau. So here we have “Vaud He’ Vau” The ground is going up and the astral is coming down (entrance of the astral plane), and they are joining about the blue dragon, which is actually a green dragon, emanating the blue light of purity. Careful how, and what you pray for, you might get it.