Ebay Tarot


So I've only recently heard of the idea of people selling readings on Ebay. I didn't seriously think people would buy a tarot reading over Ebay... until I went to Ebay and looked for myself. AND looked at the ratings of the people giving them. It seems people are actually getting a response.

My question is this: does anybody actually know if these people on Ebay are for real? As in, they give real, honest readings (no mumbo jumbo - "LET ME CLEANSE YOUR DARK AURA FOR $500 EXTRA!!!1 YOU NEED THIS!!11!!"). Or maybe some of you guys use this medium? Has anyone tried? Did it work/ not work? Any comments about it? ;)



Like anywhere, E-Bay is a "buyer beware" deal. You're probably just as likely to find a good reader as a bad, same as if you were to go to psychic, metaphysical store, etc. for a reading. Reviews help; word of mouth is probably better though. My main concern with E-Bay - and Craigslist - is that the degree of separation from any accountability makes it easier for scammers to worm their way in. Like anything online, be smart about giving out personal info. You know the drill, I'm sure! :)

I've read here on the boards that some folks have tried to offer readings via E-Bay with varying degrees of success. As I recall, a lot of people had their listings removed because they were offering services rather than goods. Might help to run a search on "E-Bay" here and see what pops up.

Personally, I tend to stick to the boards when I'm looking to either give or receive a reading. There's a wealth of talent here, and I've never lacked for guinea pigs when I've wanted to practice in the readings sections! lots of folks also have websites listed in their profiles, if you are looking for a more private venue.

Hope this helps!


I once knew someone who did get a reading done from someone on E-Bay. They didn't say that the reader tried to charge them for anything else. But I do remember they were unimpressed with the quality and accuracy of the reading.



I tried selling readings on e-bay, but it doesn't really pay. There are a lot of readers on there who offer readings from 99pence, and as we all know it takes time and energy to read for someone. With the listing fees and any Paypal fees taken off that... I would rather read for free than do that.

I have ony ever paid for one ebay reading, and it was okay, but I did feel as if some of it had been copied from one of those automated shuffle sites on the net, and adapted a little, with my name added here and there. I also noticed one person on there who had various listings. They were all different in tone, with different photo's of the reader (all so different they could not possibly be the same person) but yet they were all listed under the one ebay sellers name, and I wondered about the integrity of those listings. I am sure like everything else there are good / not so good and those that are scams.


I've seen posts here of people who tried eBay. Some said they had success and some didn't or didn't say. At least a couple of those I saw posting who were trying it were reputable members here, but I don't think they stayed at it long. Can't remember who the members were, though. It's been awhile ago.


I have sold readings on eBay. My observation is that the noisy (heavy sell, lots of caps, outrageous promises) listings get more sales than serious readers. The questions I got were of the "fix my life for me" variety, as well.

My overall feeling is that eBay is not a good place for serious readers, or for people who want a serious reading.

eBay attracts people out to make a quick buck.


I've had a few readings from ebayers and i must say i was less than impressed.


Hey guys!

I've only just stared reading via eBay auctions (about the past 5 weeks), and I'm finding quite a reasonable demand (my eBay member name is sapphireandsteel, if anybody wants to take a look at my responses/uptake so far).

Although I only offer lowish-cost, three card readings, these are all around the £6.50 - £7.00 mark, so they're not 'throwaway readings', by any means.

They *are* time-consuming though - each one takes me roughly 45 minutes, what with laying out and photographing the individual spreads, typing everything up, and knocking them out as .pdf's.

On top of that, there's the constant communication between myself and the buyers, whilst the reading is being prepped, and the follow-up, which I guess adds at least another 20-25 minutes onto each one.

It's not an easy way to get readings, that's for sure - but, if you're prepared to offer a decent, honest service, you'll find that your buyers will come back to you for larger readings, directly, which is where the real pay-off comes.

Hope this is of interest to the OP.

Love & Light,



Thanks Rob. Of all the posts that I have seen about this, yours is the only one where the poster had a positive experience and was able to make it pay off. Good to know that it can be done.



I almost went down the road of eBay readings, but chose etsy instead. There, I've sold a few (about the same price range as yourself, Rob, for five-card readings). I've found the exact same thing - between laying out the cards and producing the digital document, it takes between 45 minutes and an hour. I find the to-ing and fro-ing with my client to be enjoyable, and my repeat customers seem to find me a considerate and helpful reader. I like the atmosphere at etsy better than eBay, and I'm happy to keep offering my readings there.

\m/ Kat