Elemental Dignities & Exaltations


Since I have taken to viewing the Major Arcana from
the perspective of the Phoenician Alphabet and with
a deep appreciation of the significance of the ancient
planetary exaltations that originated in Mesopotamia,
it occurred to me that Elemental Dignities would be
simplified, even logical, if using these designations:

AIR 1 The Magician - Aleph (Air)
EARTH 2 The High Priestess - Moon exalted in Taurus
WATER 3 The Empress - Venus exalted in Pisces
EARTH 4 The Emperor - Mars exalted in Capricorn

FIRE 5 The Hierophant - Aries
EARTH 6 The Lovers - Taurus
AIR 7 The Chariot - Gemini (with exaltation of North Node)
WATER 8 Justice - Cancer

FIRE 9 The Hermit - Leo
EARTH 10 The Wheel of Fortune - Virgo
EARTH 11 Strength - Mercury exalted in Virgo
AIR 12 The Hanged Man - Libra

WATER 13 Death - Mem (Water)
WATER 14 Temperance - Scorpio
FIRE 15 The Devil - Sagittarius (with exaltation of South Node)
EARTH 16 The Tower - Capricorn

FIRE 17 The Star- Sun exalted in Aries
AIR 18 The Moon - Aquarius
WATER 19 The Sun - Pisces
WATER 20 Judgement - Jupiter exalted in Cancer

FIRE 21 The World - Shin (Fire)
AIR "22" The Fool - Saturn exalted in Libra


AIR 1 The Magician - Aleph (Air)
AIR 7 The Chariot - Gemini (with the exaltation of North Node)
AIR 12 The Hanged Man - Libra
AIR 18 The Moon - Aquarius
AIR "22" The Fool - Saturn exalted in Libra

EARTH 2 The High Priestess - Moon exalted in Taurus
EARTH 4 The Emperor - Mars exalted in Capricorn
EARTH 6 The Lovers - Taurus
EARTH 10 The Wheel of Fortune - Virgo
EARTH 11 Strength - Mercury exalted in Virgo
EARTH 16 The Tower - Capricorn

WATER 3 The Empress - Venus exalted in Pisces
WATER 8 Justice - Cancer
WATER 13 Death - Mem (Water)
WATER 14 Temperance - Scorpio
WATER 19 The Sun - Pisces
WATER 20 Judgement - Jupiter exalted in Cancer

FIRE 5 The Hierophant - Aries
FIRE 9 The Hermit - Leo
FIRE 15 The Devil - Sagittarius (with the exaltation of the South Node)
FIRE 17 The Star- Sun exalted in Aries
FIRE 21 The World - Shin (Fire)


I don't know if I'll ever use them as such, but it's all right there.

Best Wishes!


I know, I know... "simplified"? "logical"?
but what can I say, it's a mystery! :)


Edited to add:


  • EXALTATION Tarot and Zodiac.JPG
    EXALTATION Tarot and Zodiac.JPG
    66.3 KB · Views: 103


About FIXED Signs

The only FIXED Sign with an Exaltation is Taurus...
Why? Because that's where the "Earth" is in Tarot:

EARTH 2 The High Priestess - Moon exalted in Taurus

FIRE 9 The Hermit - Leo [reference Shin]
WATER 14 Temperance - Scorpio [reference Mem]
AIR 18 The Moon - Aquarius [reference Aleph]

Aleph Mem Shin are the TRIADIC UNITY of the Tarot.
When we see an element in a fixed sign it represents
the deeper significance of a sacred relationship with
the Moon, the first and most ancient deity honoured,
and that there's an overall unity beneath the surface
which in effect means they function as a single unit.


Fulgour said:
I know, I know... "simplified"? "logical"?
but what can I say, it's a mystery! :)

Thank you for this!


ArwenNightstar said:
Thank you for this!
You're Very :) Welcome! It's funny how often this comes up...
and how much effort is made to sort out the overall confusion.

Setting aside magickal kabbalah and all that, I'm happy with my
version of the basics... like anything, it helps to keep it simple.