Elemental Tarot from Marco Turini

Susanne Röttges

i am waiting for this wonderful deck, who wait s with me? Greetings from soccer looking Susanne


You'll have fun with it. Enjoy.

Susanne Röttges

thanks i have sell it by libri. de it willcomes in several days thanks for the tip


I suspect she means she has ordered it.... :)

Susanne Röttges

yes this i a m maening english is not my first language



Don't worry - I understood you. You said you were waiting for it. That means it is on its way !

Golden Moon

Erzähl uns von dem Elemntal Tarot, sobald Sie es erhalten Susanne.:).


Das tue ich auch :D Bald kommt's - hoffentlich !


Silly question for anyone who might know, does Alida censor certain cards with Nudity that they post? The Hierophant and Ace of Pentacles seem to be covered up in a way that doesn't seem like it would happen on the original cards, particularly the leaf on the Hierophant. Is that really there?