Empress and Queen Swords as reaction..please help


Hi all...used RW. Did reading on how someone would most likely react, in another contacted them . two old friends, haven't spoken in years

Question was
How would X most likely react towards Y, if Y contacted her?

The Empress has me stumped, because she is so different from Queen Swords. She tends to things, as in nurturing. All I can think of is X would tend carefully, and react with reason, not letting her emotions get involved. Pretty aloof. When choosing her words. Best I can do. Any ideas?


Friendly (Empress) but cautious (QS). Welcoming but guarded.


Maybe X will answer but will be a bit guarded, cold or distant, not very warm (queen of swords) despite a wish to nuture and make the relationship work. I agree with the cautious aspect


Esk: yes! Despite maybe wanting to nurture the relationship, she would be guarded. I so agree. " nuture the relationship." Thanks!

RW Carter: friendly ..empress...I like that! Yes, part of nurturing would be to be friendly. Never thought of that
And, absolutely, guarded. QS.

Just needed to pull the wording together, regarding these queens. Thank u both for the help!