Encapsulation {laminating front & back} of the Druid Craft Tarot?


Sulis said:
They look lovely with the stone borders and the titles left on and that way you don't forget which card is which. It's like looking through a window at the images.

Those are really nice Sulis! Maybe I could just cut them with scissors myself? Or should I take them to be done by a professional? I think those look very nice. I would definitely want the titles still on there... atleast for awhile.


AJ said:
This great thread Pippi nurtures shows a lot of DC's trimmed.

The card stock is great and this deck has been in print for a long time so should you wear it out, which I doubt, you can pick up another.

I just found your link here AJ..

I think those would work as well. I don't care about the borders, but the titles need to stay on for awhile atleast. I really like how those turned out. What do you think about them? Are they easier to use too? I think they would be.


They are much easier to shuffle although I still riffle them, sideways.

When I trim a deck I use my large scissors because I want each cut to be a whole, not several snips, too easy to get jags that way.

When I did my first deck I practiced on a deck of casino giveaway cards first, just to get the feel and where the scissors edge would fall on a line.

I always cut the short ends first, then the long sides because that leaves shorter long sides, less chance of getting off the line.

It takes me about 2 hours to trim and do the corners on a deck, and while doing it I learn more things about a deck because I'm looking at each card 8 times from 4 different sides.
Very valuable in my book.

I got my corner rounder at Michaels crafts, all craft stores and scrapbooking stores have them. I practiced with it on my freebie deck too :) You can get the corner lodged in crooked but another try perfects it up.


I'm a sucker for borderless decks - scissor happy!! I trimmed my Swietlistej Drogi last week (gorgeous black cards but with a white border) and it looks soooo much better.

I bought two different sizes of corner rounders 'cos some cards look better with a small rounded effect. I usually use one of the deck "spares" and try with small corners one end and larger the other - then I can choose before doing the wrong thing.

I use smaller scissors - I have an arthritis problem with both my thumbs and find larger scissoes too difficult to use.

I have never regretted chopping any deck's borders off, especially after reading in a thread that the card artists/authrs have little say with regard to borders - it's the publishers who do that bit...


I shuffle all my decks the same way a card dealer does. (Except for my ToD, cannot shuffle that one)

But for the DC, it only feels thin. I'm very harsh with mine, I use it a lot and it shows no where at all. I have not trimmed it either.


AJ said:
They are much easier to shuffle although I still riffle them, sideways.

When I trim a deck I use my large scissors because I want each cut to be a whole, not several snips, too easy to get jags that way.

When I did my first deck I practiced on a deck of casino giveaway cards first, just to get the feel and where the scissors edge would fall on a line.

I always cut the short ends first, then the long sides because that leaves shorter long sides, less chance of getting off the line.

It takes me about 2 hours to trim and do the corners on a deck, and while doing it I learn more things about a deck because I'm looking at each card 8 times from 4 different sides.
Very valuable in my book.

I got my corner rounder at Michaels crafts, all craft stores and scrapbooking stores have them. I practiced with it on my freebie deck too :) You can get the corner lodged in crooked but another try perfects it up.

Thanks for the tips! :) I will have to make sure that I have that extra time set aside. I really do like how they look trimmed up though.


Wendywu said:
I'm a sucker for borderless decks - scissor happy!! I trimmed my Swietlistej Drogi last week (gorgeous black cards but with a white border) and it looks soooo much better.

I bought two different sizes of corner rounders 'cos some cards look better with a small rounded effect. I usually use one of the deck "spares" and try with small corners one end and larger the other - then I can choose before doing the wrong thing.

I use smaller scissors - I have an arthritis problem with both my thumbs and find larger scissoes too difficult to use.

I have never regretted chopping any deck's borders off, especially after reading in a thread that the card artists/authrs have little say with regard to borders - it's the publishers who do that bit...

I think some of the borders take away from how pretty the cards are. It really is nice to look at the cards all trimmed up. I didn't really think about how much clearer and easier it is to focus on the cards when the borders are cut off.

I don't think I could use the larger scissors either. I was thinking if I had to do that, I may end up just taking them to let someone else do them. I will get some cards at the store {playing cards} to practice cutting the borders off of.

Thank you guys so much for sending links and letting me know about trimming off the borders. I don't think I would have actually tried that if I hadn't heard and seen that you guys do it. It looks great! I had always wondered why the artists of the Tarot cards added borders in the first place. It is interesting to know that they actually don't.. the publishers do. I think they should leave the borders off of most decks.