Enchanted Tarot Deck


I have read throught several posts and have noted that the above is never mentioned, I have seen photos of the deck very beautiful has anyone heard/seen this deck?
Also love the Blue moon Tarot deck but it is not in print.


The second edition of the Blue Moon is in print and available at Tarot Garden at least for not too much money....


Yes. The Enchanted Tarot was my first deck years ago and is still my favorite. :D

Actually, it's the only deck I had until this year - except for a smaller, borderless version of it called the Zerner-Farber deck. Never wanted or needed another one, to be honest. (And I still didn't need one, just got the I-want-its this year for some reason. lol)

It's an absolutely beautiful deck and the book is wonderful. I highly recommend it.

In the Enchanted version the cards are somewhat larger and a little bit thicker than most decks. If you have small hands you might want to get one of the smaller Zerner-Farber ones as well. I say 'as well' as opposed to 'instead of' because the Enchanted Tarot is the version that comes with the book and you wouldn't want to miss that. Full page illustrations of the cards! :love:

I love Amy and Monte's spirits and all of their divination systems that I've had the chance to try so far. lol Hope to have more of them as I'm able. Everything they make is infused with the most beautiful energy, not to mention being beautiful to look at.

I hope you love it as much as I do if you decide to get it! :)

Briar Rose

I :heart: love :heart: the Enchanted tarot. It's an amazing deck. The cards are magical. And I love the book that comes with it. Amy and Monte are very descriptive, and it's like they are reading the meanings to you!

I like their website where the cards come to life.

I am suprised the deck and book aren't mentioned here (that much) too.

5 of Hearts shows so much meaning with the lady holding her fan above her eyes while the gentleman in the background hangs his head loe.

High Priestess looks sultry

4 of Pents shows a lot of meaning

And my favorite is the 8 of hearts.

I often wonder what they would look like if they *looked* like photographs of the tapestries?


Nice to see someone else expressing love for this deck! :)

The Tarot Discovery Kit has a dvd with all the cards animated like on their site. It's pretty cool. It's so relaxing though, I always fall asleep soon after putting it on. lol That one comes with the small version of the deck and a booklet which is better than a LWB (it's in color) but no comparison to the book in the Enchanted Tarot set. It also has a little satin bag for the deck though which is nice.

Once I was looking for the World card online to show someone and I found a page from a museum or gallery or something that had the actual tapestry (at least for a while, not sure if it's permanently there). It was a huge, high res image. Gorgeous. I've always imagined the posters of individual cards must be amazing. I'd rather have the scented candles though, one day. lol If only I had unlimited funds those two would be so much richer! :D


I have this deck/book set.But to be frank, I prefer to read the book more than using the deck. There's nothing wrong with it really, it's artwork is great but a little bit too "romantic" for me. It's a lovely deck but I prefer using other decks most :)


I'm so pleased. I was walking past a used book store tonight and saw a copy of The Enchanted Tarot book on a little bookshelf on the sidewalk out front. I'd been thinking I should probably get another one for a few years now, because mine is so well loved it's falling apart. So, I went in and asked how much for it. Answer:

50 cents! :party:

Clearly, they don't value tarot books but it worked out well for me. lol It looks brand new, too. Sorted.

Briar Rose

hey, do they have any other decks for .50 cents?

morticia monroe

I have this deck. A wonderful friend at AT gave it to me. I loved it, but eventually felt that the large white borders were getting in the way of me really seeing the pictures and all their beautiful color, so I trimmed them. They look fantastic!