Energies coming in : 6 of cups/ Ace of Wands


As part of a larger spread I drew the 6 of cups (Golden Tarot) as new energies coming into my life. As I really couldn't decide what this might be alluding to ( something revisited, something relating to children, a happy go lucky period of life ?) I drew a clarifier - the Ace of wands.

The card to me is pretty much the same as the position meaning in which it fell : New (ace) energy (wands) !

I'm wandering if this is my, albeit repetitive, answer or if it actually means something else ?

The only commonality I can see between the two might relate to *youth* or a kind of exuberance.

In the early days of my career I did deal with young children. Although I have had absolutely no thoughts of doing so, I guess its not inconceivable that I could become inspired (ace) to return to that field of work ? But this still seems unlikely.

The only other thought I had was to read it as forthcoming nostalgia for the new beginning I had made in a new country. Nostalgia because in 2 months time I will be leaving said new country and returning, reluctantly, to Asia. Although this interpretation could fit the cards themselves ok, I'm not sure that it fits for a 6 of cups *clarified* by Ace of Wands scenario ? If you think it does let me know !

All thoughts welcome.


I would say it's something positive from your past reappearing (but starting over). It could be something from childhood. For example, maybe you collected rocks as a kid. You don't still have the collection, but you decide to start a new one. Does that make sense?


I would say it's something positive from your past reappearing (but starting over). It could be something from childhood. For example, maybe you collected rocks as a kid. You don't still have the collection, but you decide to start a new one. Does that make sense?

Yes this makes sense. Its similar to the thought I had about returning to my early career - tho' to be honest I'm not sure that I would feel so *positive* about that ! Time hasn't made me look back through rose tinted glasses !!

Maybe I'm just being really dim about this, but I'm still not really getting the connection
- the commonality- between these two cards. I can read them as a combination but not really as a clarifier.