Expanding on a specific card?


I am fairly new to interpreting my own readings, and I am really intrigued by the process of expanding the story of a spread. I'm just not sure how to do it properly.

If, for example, I want to know how someone feels about me, or what is blocking them from taking that last step, and I use a relationship spread in which card 5 (random) represents that aspect, how would I expand upon it and get more information?

Thank you!


Begin to understand the essence of the card.

I do so logically and creatively. The way I learned the cards was to understand not just meanings, but the 'whys' behind them - symbolism, numerology, implements (being Cups, Wands, Swords, Pentacles), elements, astrology, kabbalah influences, and also just by beginning to be creative.

How does it feel to 'feel like' that card?
What does it look like to 'act like' that card?
Is the card loud or soft? Fast or slow? Hidden or obvious? (Avoid "bad or good" which doesn't exist, except contextually.)

Really, the 'feels like' thing helps a lot, at getting to the essence of the card.


look at the card ,relax and notice the first thing/impulse that pops into your zone.DO NOT OVERTHINK IT.After a while you'll learn to TRUST the process regardless of popular opinion.
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You can make something up quickly. The longer you take to think about a given card, the more you allow your left brain to interfere and interrupt your right brain. At first, doing this will feel a little strange, but with more practice, you'll become more proficient. It is important to go with the flow as quickly as possible.


Once you have determined what one single card can mean you can expand on that by seeing how it interacts with the cards each side of it (to start off with). Look at the card to it's left and see what can be said about the two together, do they form a phrase or short story? Then do the same with the card the other side. After that try all three together by putting all three card meanings together into one meaning. This takes practice but once you have mastered it you can narrate a reading not just a card.

I really do think that reading the Lenormand method would help many readers with a whole spread instead of individual cards.


One option:

Say out loud, kinda quickly, every possible meaning you think the card may have. When I do this, I'll usually say something that once I hear it, it goes "DING!" deep inside of me. It's totally effective! And sometimes the meaning is totally absurd to the card but dead on. (And that's when my cards and I have a good laugh - and I learn a deeper level of meaning to that particular symbol and we form a stronger connection).

You may also find that the one thing you don't want to say - that you're totally resisting - will be the one that DINGS. That's the deck's way of gently letting you know that you're intuitive and not a dictionary of card meanings. :)