Faeries Oracle ONE Card A Day

diane drizzy

Mickle A Muckle

Go have a good time.
I will do just that! Taking a day off from work tomorrow. :D:D:D


O! That Gnome

I found myself trying to immitate his quirky face..... haha... did I feel stupid! He climbed high up onto that dome, sat there and pulled a face at me!!

"So what is your message for me today O That Gnome?"

"message?... what message?...... you pulled a card...... you got one!"

Boy! are these cards psd off with me!

Why is it he reminds me of Grumpy?.....................


The Lady Of The Harvest

My card for today...
She has been staring at me with that langrid look.
The look of someone who's had a little too much hard apple cider.

She's reminding me that fall is on the way.
And there are things to clean up and dead stuff to pull out of the gardens and flower beds...
I know.. I know... I have been neglecting to keep up with it.
But it's been soooo rainy or sooo hot....

She's just staring at me....you know you have to do it or you'll have a real rotten mess later.

I just noticed that she has two leafless branches coming out of the top of her head like antlers.

Oh ya, deer hunting season is soon upon us.
I need to get financially ready for that fall ritual.

September Pixie

August 4, 2004 - (19) The Sage

I asked - what are you trying to tell me today?
"During all the changes you are planning in your life and around you, why have you not taken the time to change some of the negative things in your life? Why have you not sought me for help and answers? Patience is something you really must learn, my dear... something you sadly lack most of the time.. work on this lesson today.. your patience will be tested."

From The Book
Wisdom. Hidden Knowledge. Retreat. Old age. Patience. The sage is also the shaman. Not all wisemen are shamans and not all shamans are wise men, but this one is both - power informed by wisdom and wisdom made manifest by power. Here we see wisdom and deep inner understanding. Tradition is valued but appropriate change is accepted.



After the day I've had, I figured a Faery card would do me some good....

Soul Shrinker.

I smiled, I could immediately see he was laughing at me, or with me really. Everything may look ugly, but it's not. Everything's fine, just laugh~! :laugh:

He made me smile :) that's for sure. I'll work on the laughter....

September Pixie

August 5, 2004 - (49) Mikle A' Muckle

I asked - what are you trying to tell me today?
"There are things going on in your life that you are taking MUCH too seriously these days.. stress not only hurts you but those around you! Take some time to go play hop-scotch or spend some time in the garden... do some stress-free things today, and know that I will be right there beside you! Remember that joke........ ;) "

From The Book
Everyday blessings. Play. Mixed blessings. Lighten up! What is needed here is the benefit of a child-like, trusting heart and childlike wisdom, seeing directly into the true nature of things. Don't complicate matters. What you see is what you get.
Don't you just love Fairy giggles :D

*edited to add*
Just as I clicked send, I went to put my cards away and sure enough, they flipped right out of my hand! I realized, he was talking about 52-card pick up as a joke! :eek: So I laughed and picked them up.... oh those little sneeky fairies!


Arval Parrot again! After I done shuffled and everything....

Communicate. Make yourself and your feelings known. Wisdom comes from sharing, not from holding what we have inside.

Look to the throat chakra. Maybe I need to do some throat chakra meditation. Maybe I'll just ask Arval for his help....

Edited to add : And Pixie, your 52 card pickup made me laugh! My Fae do that stuff to me all the time. I so understand....


Alissa said:
Arval Parrot again! After I done shuffled and everything....

Communicate. Make yourself and your feelings known. Wisdom comes from sharing, not from holding what we have inside.

Alissa this wouldn't have anything to do with Jerkwad would it????


:D Oh Moonbow*~! :D You're priceless! I hadn't seen it as my Jerkwad encounter, but yes! Another situation where I needed to make my feelings known, communicate clearly, and then my expectations could be met.

You Brilliant woman!

September Pixie

Alissa said:
Edited to add : And Pixie, your 52 card pickup made me laugh! My Fae do that stuff to me all the time. I so understand....

Up until that moment I was sitting here thinking... 'what joke?' I guess I left myself open for that one :)