Faery Seekers Circle #4: elf and rosesred


Hi there rosesred!
Thought I'd open our thread and get us going.

I have not chosen a Guide yet, but I will tonight.

Here's the Strength Spread again:
1) Your Greatest Strength.
2) How you can enhance this strength.
3) How you can apply it to a relationship, project or event.
4) What this strength brings you.

Number three is where we get to insert our "question".
I'm asking you to read for me and tell me my greatest strength as it relates to my Faery readings for the public.

I've been bringing the deck with me to the bookstore where I work and using the cards to read for people. So far people love it. I thought you might check with the Fae and see what they think.


hihi, we must have cross-posted, see other thread! I will do your reading tonight, (in about 12 hours) and I will post it tomorrow


What about your question?
What should I focus on when I'm reading the third positon of this Strength spread for you???


rosesred's question:

"At the moment I'm engaged in quite an interesting lifestyle change: I've moved (temporarily) to another country to write my research, so lots of ups and downs for me. It's fun, but at times quite stressful, and I'd like to get some gentle advice (or just annoying prodding in the right direction) from the faeries."

This will be where I will post your reading. Is this your question?


elf said:
rosesred's question:

"At the moment I'm engaged in quite an interesting lifestyle change: I've moved (temporarily) to another country to write my research, so lots of ups and downs for me. It's fun, but at times quite stressful, and I'd like to get some gentle advice (or just annoying prodding in the right direction) from the faeries."
Here's the Strength Spread:
1) Your Greatest Strength.
2) How you can enhance this strength.
3) How you can apply it to a relationship, project or event.
4) What this strength brings you.

1)Your greatest Strength: The Rarr
You are a ball of energy!
I think that your strength is that you can do things, and do them well, and do them quickly, and then voila! you are done.
A sense of faceless energy, speed and so much movement.
Nothing settled here, but joy in the movement.
Also, a free joyful sense of flight. You are so comfortable in your skin and people see it. You can really light up a room. You are just plain fun, poetry in motion! It seems to be physical as much as spiritual. So everything I just said is true on both levels! Yeah! this research of yours, well is it done yet? It must be by now..... :D
2)How you can enhance this strength:The Guardian at the Gate
This card always reminds me of a veil.
A cloak or some kind of gauzy protective film, that is so much stronger than you could ever know, deceiving in its filmy quality, strong as steel when worn, but light, airy, lovely.
This is how you enhance your strength, you don't spend your energy uselessly on crazy things. you know how to ration it...that isn't the word I want....drats....
Keep watch on your output of energy. You rest when you need to. Listen when your Guardian at the Gate calls to you and then follow her directives. If she says to sleep then sleep. If she says eat pickles eat them. She will guide you in all things. Such quiet deep energy stores here. She is watching.
3)How you can apply it to a project:Gawtcha
Gawtcha will watch too. It's his special talent. Watching.
But silently. this is the special gift you've been given. Silence.
A sense of containment and of coiled energy that is silent. I see him as the watcher who never tells what he sees. He bears witness to everything we do and he doesn't judge or tell on us. We drop a paper on the ground and walk away, Gawtcha never tells but he sees, oh yes he does.
I think it is funny I say the Guardian is watching and then here comes Gawtcha. My meaning for him is much different than the book. But it seems that for some reason you won't be alone while you do this research, and if Gawtcha is always there watching, then someone is bearing witness and will never forget. This is the other gift. Nothing forgotten so that somehow, when you need it most, if you've misplaced something during your writing or research, just ask Gawtcha, he will know where to go to remember it. he also teaches you to hold in your energy, you know, be comfortable with it, reign it in and make it part of you. Never forget your wings, but don't use them just because they are there...
4)What this strength brings you:She of the Cruach
When you are a person who can do things quickly and well, who flies effortlessly, but doesn't always do it just because she can, well that kind of person learns things that others don't. She learns some hard lessons too. She sees that other people need you to wait for them. They need some assistance sometimes, they need a little extra love.
So, this person who can do things fast, effortlessly, who has special Fae angels watching over her and protecting her, and remembering for her, someone with so many gifts, well she shares them. She helps others, she gives out hugs even to people who may not look like they are huggable. And then sometimes, she sees them blossom and then she blossoms and her heart and her mind and her soul will start to shine.
And before you know it, she looks like the Cruach.


Sorry for the confusion, but yes, that was my question. First I'm gonna post what the faeries want you to know about your life, then I'll read your post, otherwise I feel I would be influenced by what you wrote. The answer will have to wait a day, the internetfacilities here close down. I hope that’s ok with you.

Laume often pulls my ears, and tells me to be a little less blunt. “We faeries never tell things straight up, unless there’s a bent in the road, of course. We do tell things as they are, but there’s a significant difference between marching forth and dancing along.” I tried to tell her that being direct is just part of who I am, but she pointed out to me that being blunt isn’t. So I’ll try to listen to her and have not only good intentions, but also the nice words to accompany them. Sorry if I do not always succeed in that.

!) Greatest strength: 21, The faery who was kissed by Pixies
2) How to enhance that strength: 10, Singer of Healing
3) How to apply this to your project: 37, Tobaira of the waters
4) What this strenghth brings you: 59 The Bodacioys Bodach
50 Arval Parrot

As you’ll see the faeries added another card to the reading. At first I put it back in the deck, but Arval was determined to get out, so you get 5 faery-visitors!

The faery who was kissed by Pixies does not only depict your greatest strength, she whispers that loving and caring for others is an essential part of your nature. When your at your best you enable other people to be themselves. They feel comforted and supported by your love, and they lose the fear and the loneliness that sometimes harrows them. The best part is that you can give freely. Sometimes you’re the listener, sometimes you’re just there when somebody desperately needs help moving or painting, but you’re mostly just yourself. You try not to judge others, and they feel this. That is why they come to you when they have problems, or when they feel like dropping the mask we all wear. You’ll just be there. If they want to talk it’s ok, and if they don’t want to talk… well, that’s ok too! You’ll have plenty of stories for them to listen to.

You are able to help a great diversity of people, as long as you help them from the heart. Once you start to help people because you think this will win their love, or because you feel you would have no right to be if nobody needs you, things will turn sour very quickly.

The singer of Healing is the mentor of the Faery in the previous card, it’s who she wants to grow up to be. The singer of healing can help so many, love so many, without ever diminishing its own energy. To the contrary, with each person the singer heals, it ads another thread to its already beautiful tapestry. The singer shows how to attain this: just heal yourself. And yes, that is as easy as it sounds, according to the singer. Just take the first step. Replace the glass house that is your heart into a cloud: clouds never break, and they are connected and open to everything around them, and they can be truly beautiful. Glass-heart-houses are no good. They separate everything from the inside from the outside, and vice versa. If you’d try to live in it, it would break! So open up, let the world hurt you, let the world heal you. You’ll change, but it will be for the better. All you’ve been trough makes you a better, more compassionate guide to other people.

Tobaira saw in her waters that you will be very busy indeed. You’ll feel that people are pulling you in so many different directions. So many people will want your help. This is ok, tobaira says. You will be able to help all of them with your gifts. (Of course, some people are best helped with a sincere “no”, otherwise they would never learn anything) Stay centered, and true to yourself. Actually, I think she and Arval had a little talk about what they should tell you, since it is so similar. You’ll also be a very accurate reader in the matter of relationships; you’re good at figuring people out. There does seem to be somebody who means less well, either now or a patronizing partner from your past. A big brooding man maybe? Don’t ignore this antagonist (even if it is not the scary man I saw) but deal with it honestly and without bitterness. If you give him/her a chance, he/she will interfere with your work on readings and stuff.

The bodacious bodach doesn’t quite trust that everything is gonna be ok. He feels that you’re not to sure whether people will like you when you’re not helping them. He feels that you cannot see why other people love you. If you do not find some faith in yourself quite soon, He’ll help you. He’ll make sure your actions create a chaos, and he hopes that you finally realize that people care about you when they save you from this swamp. This is the downside of always helping people: you do not know who you’ll be when there’s no one left to help.

Here Arval comes to the rescue: he shows you how to steer away from the chaos Bodach plans. Arval was determined to come out during this reading, he kept falling out of the deck. He tells you to express yourself. Sing in an empty room, just for your own fun. Write songs, but keep it to yourself, as a secret pleasure. Most importantly: express yourself clearly and honestly. When people hurt you, tell them instead of bottling it up. Do not say what you think people want you to say. Say what comes from both heart and head. This is very scary, but arval told me that you’re very good at conveying your emotions, so I am sure you’ll be fine.

You posses the power to heal: through the words that you speak, the energy that you radiate, and the person that you are. As long as you help people out of a sincere desire to help them become themselves, you’ll have plenty of energy for this tiring work!

Sorry for the long post, but they had an extraordenairy amount of things to tell you. I got the feeling that these readings will become quite important to both the people you help, and your own growth.

I hope you can make sense of some of the weirder things.

I keep editing this, but I just forgot to mention something very important: Bodach thinks you should get more organized, as well as more secure. If you can't do it on your own, then find someone who can bring structure into things. Also: don't overreact. If people do not come back regularly, or seem aloof, they might simply be occupied with other things, it has nothing to do with you personally.


next time, warn me when the faeries tell you things that touch me this deep. ;) I'm in the middle of a computer labratory surrounded by nerds trying to swallow my tears. Detailed feedback later.

Thank you for the wonderful reading.


My Faery Guide


My Guide for this exercise was Unity.

I just love Unity. I think that opening up to this oracle has been one of the most wonderful things I've done since picking up cards of any kind so many years ago. Everything is unified, one, connected.

This is my lesson.

That so many people have joined in to assist me on my journey with the Fae touches me so deeply. And in that moment of assistance I see how we interweave with each other, how we interact.

Everything is unified, one, connected
This is my lesson.

Even tho we read for each other, what we write is for ourselves first, isn't it? We've seen it first, felt it first, experienced it first, created it first, heard it first.....

Everything is unified, one, connected.
This is my lesson.

As I let the cards slip through my fingers and the Rarr emerged I had this moment of hesitancy. When I see it it looks like the Harry Potter Golden Snitch. But no, the Rarr is alive and it is pulsing and moving in an ocean of sensation.
I told someone once that some of the Fae cards were created for us specially so that we could see what these beings look like, because they're multidimensional, not really always available for us to look at. That they move through time differently, and that the cards are a gift, like special frozen moments, so that we could see the Fae, in a way that we couldn't with the naked eye. And that this is how each Fae chose to be seen. That the particular groups are how they wanted us to know them.
Sometimes, when I'm looking at the cards, and I see myself in the shadows, I know that Unity is there whispering, that yes, I'm in the wood...

Everything is unified, one, connected.
These are all my lessons, and I'm grateful for them, even when they are painful or not what I thought I'd be shown.


rosesred said:
Laume often pulls my ears, and tells me to be a little less blunt. “We faeries never tell things straight up, unless there’s a bent in the road, of course. We do tell things as they are, but there’s a significant difference between marching forth and dancing along.” I tried to tell her that being direct is just part of who I am, but she pointed out to me that being blunt isn’t. So I’ll try to listen to her and have not only good intentions, but also the nice words to accompany them. Sorry if I do not always succeed in that.

!) Greatest strength:
21, The faery who was kissed by Pixies

2) How to enhance that strength:
10, Singer of Healing

3) How to apply this to your project:
37, Tobaira of the waters

4) What this strength brings you:
59 The Bodacious Bodach
50 Arval Parrot

As you’ll see the faeries added another card to the reading. At first I put it back in the deck, but Arval was determined to get out, so you get 5 faery-visitors!
This is just fine with me, as the Bodach is also one of my Guides(Seekers Game #1), and he wouldn't let Arval join in if there wasn't something important needed to be said!

The faery who was kissed by Pixies does not only depict your greatest strength, she whispers that loving and caring for others is an essential part of your nature. When your at your best you enable other people to be themselves. They feel comforted and supported by your love, and they lose the fear and the loneliness that sometimes harrows them. The best part is that you can give freely. Sometimes you’re the listener, sometimes you’re just there when somebody desperately needs help moving or painting, but you’re mostly just yourself. You try not to judge others, and they feel this. That is why they come to you when they have problems, or when they feel like dropping the mask we all wear. You’ll just be there. If they want to talk it’s ok, and if they don’t want to talk… well, that’s ok too! You’ll have plenty of stories for them to listen to.

You are able to help a great diversity of people, as long as you help them from the heart. Once you start to help people because you think this will win their love, or because you feel you would have no right to be if nobody needs you, things will turn sour very quickly.
There is alot here!!!
I've actually grown into this description and am still growing. I feel a sense of Things as they Are and Things as they Will Be. You seem to be holding up a special mirror and it shows you things that are starting to germinate and Become....I am loving and giving, just lately, I've been more focused on home and hearth, and have had to limit what I can do outside of that focus due to so many factors. But yes, you have given me a window here, and I thank you for that!

The singer of Healing is the mentor of the Faery in the previous card, it’s who she wants to grow up to be. The singer of healing can help so many, love so many, without ever diminishing its own energy. To the contrary, with each person the singer heals, it ads another thread to its already beautiful tapestry. The singer shows how to attain this: just heal yourself. And yes, that is as easy as it sounds, according to the singer. Just take the first step. Replace the glass house that is your heart into a cloud: clouds never break, and they are connected and open to everything around them, and they can be truly beautiful. Glass-heart-houses are no good. They separate everything from the inside from the outside, and vice versa. If you’d try to live in it, it would break! So open up, let the world hurt you, let the world heal you. You’ll change, but it will be for the better. All you’ve been trough makes you a better, more compassionate guide to other people.
This is beautifully said. Thank you so much. I'm just so touched!
I don't know about the glass house heart...I'm wondering if I do withhold parts of myself to feel less pain.......but I think perhaps sometimes. It will be something I think more about. I'll let you know.
As for the rest, well, I'm in a phase of self-healing right now! It is enormous and tiring and cleansing and whew!

Tobaira saw in her waters that you will be very busy indeed. You’ll feel that people are pulling you in so many different directions. So many people will want your help. This is ok, tobaira says. You will be able to help all of them with your gifts. (Of course, some people are best helped with a sincere “no”, otherwise they would never learn anything) Stay centered, and true to yourself. Actually, I think she and Arval had a little talk about what they should tell you, since it is so similar. You’ll also be a very accurate reader in the matter of relationships; you’re good at figuring people out. There does seem to be somebody who means less well, either now or a patronizing partner from your past. A big brooding man maybe? Don’t ignore this antagonist (even if it is not the scary man I saw) but deal with it honestly and without bitterness. If you give him/her a chance, he/she will interfere with your work on readings and stuff.
This is interesting! The big brooding man is probably my hubby. But he is harmless and not scary. He just can't get out of his own way. and he isn't that big...but if it isn't him...well, the Bodach won't let him near me. I won't worry about that at all.

The bodacious bodach doesn’t quite trust that everything is gonna be ok. He feels that you’re not to sure whether people will like you when you’re not helping them. He feels that you cannot see why other people love you. If you do not find some faith in yourself quite soon, He’ll help you. He’ll make sure your actions create a chaos, and he hopes that you finally realize that people care about you when they save you from this swamp. This is the downside of always helping people: you do not know who you’ll be when there’s no one left to help.
This is very much something I'd rather deny, delete and be done with. Thanks for it. I know people love me, but I'd much rather be the one helping! Now as for the Bodach, he sort of shows me the dark places and lets me know if they are shadows or threats or places to get stuck.
I do need to organize more and the bodach helps with that, because he does lose things on me.

That last line, you do not know who you'll be when there's no one left to help, that is a powerful sentiment. I feel you do me too much honor, and I have often spoken thus to others and asked them to accept the honor. We too often let the good things or the sweet things go by us and hold grudges for the insults, and hang onto negativity. We sort of let the positives go right on by....So I thank you for this part of the reading, I will hold it close, and I will not deny it. I will say tho, that it is not as true as it has been in times past. I would like to be of the selfless helper, but because of the children being young and the place I am with my own personal B.S. I'm really just holding things together.

Here Arval comes to the rescue: he shows you how to steer away from the chaos Bodach plans. Arval was determined to come out during this reading, he kept falling out of the deck. He tells you to express yourself. Sing in an empty room, just for your own fun. Write songs, but keep it to yourself, as a secret pleasure. Most importantly: express yourself clearly and honestly. When people hurt you, tell them instead of bottling it up. Do not say what you think people want you to say. Say what comes from both heart and head. This is very scary, but arval told me that you’re very good at conveying your emotions, so I am sure you’ll be fine.

You posses the power to heal: through the words that you speak, the energy that you radiate, and the person that you are. As long as you help people out of a sincere desire to help them become themselves, you’ll have plenty of energy for this tiring work!

Sorry for the long post, but they had an extraordenairy amount of things to tell you. I got the feeling that these readings will become quite important to both the people you help, and your own growth.

I hope you can make sense of some of the weirder things.

I love Arval. He is so very lovely.
I have enormous work to do on/with my throat chakra.
It is hard. Say too much and wound. You can't call the words back can you? Say too little and then no energy is moved and congestion can set it. But speak from truth, love and from what moves you and you can say almost anything to anybody and it will be received well.

I love to heal. I have so much of it to do for myself, and really, that is the best gift to others isn't it? A public speaker Jim Rohn once said, "The best gift you can ever give is the example of your own life working."

I think this is part of why I love to do Tarot and play with Faeries. I'm creating a masterpiece of my life, and how can you do that without Fae, and Mystery, and Moonlight, and Magic?

Thank you for this reading rosesred. I've enjoyed being your partner, and you've given me a great gift with this reading. You and the Fae are ever so generous to me.
I feel very loved sitting here with all of you.
Plust, I've never visited very much with the Pixies before now.
They've never shown themselves to me...and I don't always see them as joyful, like it says in the book. But you've introduced them to me and now I'm sure I'll be listening for their dance and for their footsteps every night as I go to sleep.

I wish you well rosesred. You are quite the conundrum you know.
What is a math brain like you doing hanging around the forest with folk like us? There must be a pathway that got laid down in your brain that grew a little like ivy...and twined its way into Starlight and then before you knew it, you were looking at Chaos Theory and Number Theory and the Bodach came in, messed up your notes and suddenly you were able to see....Faery.


elf said:
1)Your greatest Strength: The Rarr
You are a ball of energy!
I think that your strength is that you can do things, and do them well, and do them quickly, and then voila! you are done.
A sense of faceless energy, speed and so much movement.
Nothing settled here, but joy in the movement.
Also, a free joyful sense of flight. You are so comfortable in your skin and people see it. You can really light up a room. You are just plain fun, poetry in motion! It seems to be physical as much as spiritual. So everything I just said is true on both levels! Yeah! this research of yours, well is it done yet? It must be by now..... :D

What a fun description! Actually, I am one of those persons always organizing or doing stuff.

elf said:
2)How you can enhance this strength:The Guardian at the Gate
This is how you enhance your strength, you don't spend your energy uselessly on crazy things. you know how to ration itKeep watch on your output of energy. You rest when you need to. Listen when your Guardian at the Gate calls to you and then follow her directives. If she says to sleep then sleep. If she says eat pickles eat them. She will guide you in all things. Such quiet deep energy stores here. She is watching.
This is very good advice. I’m bone-tired at the moment, and still I just keep going. I would feel like I’d miss something important if I stopped for even a second. Your Advice helped me decline yet another invitation for a good evening, so that I could sleep, meditate and center. This morning I felt like I had regained some of my brain functions, which is a good thing :D

elf said:

3)How you can apply it to a project:Gawtcha
Gawtcha will watch too. It's his special talent. Watching.
But silently. this is the special gift you've been given. Silence.
A sense of containment and of coiled energy that is silent. I see him as the watcher who never tells what he sees. He bears witness to everything we do and he doesn't judge or tell on us.
I think it is funny I say the Guardian is watching and then here comes Gawtcha. My meaning for him is much different than the book. But it seems that for some reason you won't be alone while you do this research, and if Gawtcha is always there watching, then someone is bearing witness and will never forget. This is the other gift. Nothing forgotten so that somehow, when you need it most, if you've misplaced something during your writing or research, just ask Gawtcha, he will know where to go to remember it.
I need to think about this for a bit.

elf said:
he also teaches you to hold in your energy, you know, be comfortable with it, reign it in and make it part of you. Never forget your wings, but don't use them just because they are there...

4)What this strength brings you:She of the Cruach
When you are a person who can do things quickly and well, who flies effortlessly, but doesn't always do it just because she can, well that kind of person learns things that others don't. She learns some hard lessons too. She sees that other people need you to wait for them. They need some assistance sometimes, they need a little extra love.
So, this person who can do things fast, effortlessly, who has special Fae angels watching over her and protecting her, and remembering for her, someone with so many gifts, well she shares them. She helps others, she gives out hugs even to people who may not look like they are huggable. And then sometimes, she sees them blossom and then she blossoms and her heart and her mind and her soul will start to shine.
And before you know it, she looks like the Cruach
This touched me deeply and freaked me out. It is one of the issues that plays an important part in my life: finding a balance between not hiding your possibilities on one hand, and tolerance and respect for other people, and their gifts in other areas.

Thank you for this reading elf, it touched more aspects of my life than I thought it would. It made me think and it gave me some good advice. I think I’ll stop racing around for a while, and see if the world won’t collapse around me when I do that.