Faery Seekers: February 2011: ghost271 and aurarcana

strings of life

Here is the suggested spread, it can be used for something specific or adapts nicely to a general reading. It only uses four cards, but you can also add an optional 5th card too.

via Fire Cat:

A Message from My Spirit Guide" Spread:

-5- <~ optional additional card

- 1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?
- 2. What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me?
- 3. What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me?
- 4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?
* - 5. What would be the outcome if I decide to not follow this path? (optional additional card)

strings of life

Hi there ghost271 :). We are partners for the February FSC exchange. We gave all month, but I will most likely do your reading this Friday if I hear back from you in time.

I'll be using the The Heart of Faerie Oracle. Do you have a specific question or focus, or would you just like a general.

I would like a reading about me just focusing on using 1 Tarot deck for a while instead of deck jumping, which I tend to do a lot. I feel like I would gain a lot from the experience spiritually. I wonder why I haven't done it yet and what is holding me back (besides being curious and loving the artwork on so many of my decks).

strings of life

Hi again ghost271 :). I know it's early in the exchange, but I sent a follow-up PM to find out if you had a question/focus or would like a general, since I am going to do your reading on Friday. I participate in other exchanges here, so it takes some juggling!

If I don't hear back from you by then, I'll just do a general. Just wanted to let you know. Much thanks.

ETA: ghost271 sent me a PM and would like a general reading. Thanks for letting me know.

strings of life

ghost271, here is your general reading with the The Heart of Faerie Oracle:

A Message from My Spirit Guide" Spread:


Prick up Your Ears - 1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?

Well, you may not be forgetting anything in the first place because you may be missing the messages that you should be picking up. The faery in Prick Up Your Ears wants you to pay attention to everything around you as best as you can. Sometimes, the small things slip through the cracks. It's impossible to focus on everything. But if you have found yourself missing out on things that could have been picked up on if you had only noticed some of the signs, now is the time to focus. Listen, look and observe what is around you. Hone in on areas that may have been avoided at first glance. You may be surprised what you find out and what you can learn.

The Hero - 2. What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me?

Your will have to fighting your own battles and your strength will come from within. Be it past experiences or your courage to persevere, you can face obstacles head on. The owl in this card makes me feel like there will be a message that you will receive when you know that you will have to act. Based on what you told me PM on what you wanted me to read about originally, this may be related to this. When you receive this message, you will need to arm yourself with the knowledge and wisdom that you can bring to the table, think things out and strike. This strike can be both a physical and mental battle which may also include taking on fears that you have as well. Precision and focusing on targeting one area at a time may work best right now. But remember that it may not be best to fight battles that cannot be won.

I feel like the owl as a messenger feels like it could be a symbol from your Spirit Guide. I looked up some more detailed information on the symbolism here. Perhaps meditating on these strengths may be of assistance right now. Keywords: Wisdom, Mystery, Transition, Messages, Intelligence, Mysticism, Protection, Secrets

The Prince of Light - 3. What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me?

The advice being given to you is to be optimistic right now and through periods of light and darkness, especially the latter. The prince is surrounded by light and holds an egg, symbolic the cycle of life. There is a sense of hope and joy in this card - the celebration of life and preparing for a new beginning. Be optimistic and prepare for your egg to hatch. You won't know what will happen until it actually hatches, but embrace the joy of the simple act of that event. In many ways, I feel like this card mirrors the sentiment of Prick Up Your Ears, the card directly above it in the spread. Your Spirit Guide wants you to remember the simple act of enjoying the smallest of things and for you to remember to nurture them.

The Queen of Laughter - 4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?

If you follow the path, which involves facing fears and the obstacles that present themselves to you, and try and focus on the small things that may end up really mattering in the end, you will open yourself up to enjoying many elements in your life in a new and invigorating way. This will only be possible if you are The Hero and conquer what's in your path--if there is indeed something that actually needs to be conquered as opposed to a course that cannot be altered. The Queen of Laughter is part faery and part amphibian--her frog legs enabling her to jump from one thing to the next and her wings allow her to fly as well--with an air of excitement and glee. By being in control of your emotions, you can be strong and smile at the same time. There is also a warning here; the forest in back of her is a bit dark and mysterious. The other faeries seem to be looking out and saying, "What are you so happy about?" This could be a shadow aspect of the card. When you find yourself in the dumps or struggling to be happy, look for the light in your life and tap into the energies offered by the The Prince of Light, the previous card.

Tink- 5. What would be the outcome if I decide to not follow this path?

If you don't follow this path, it most likely means that you are just being...stubborn. Tink can be a bit bratty and when she wants something and doesn't get it, she throws a temper tantrum. Sometimes, we don't get what we want and sometimes we are forced to deal with things that may not seem optimal. Instead of pouting and being annoyed, see if you can find a way to move past the part that is irritating or not optimal and move on.


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Thank you so much for the reading. I will definitely keep the advice in my mind. I think I know what it relates to and should know in about a week or so.
Another cool thing you mentioned was the owl. I've never had a draw to this bird until a number of years ago. I would finish work at about 2:30 in the morning and would either jog or bike the 5 miles home. On three separate occasions an owl across the street would fly ahead of me and sit on a street sign. He'd sit there and watch me go by. I took it to be my totem spirit or animal guide even though I knew nothing about them. But it did seem that there were major things in spirit that were under way to bring major changes in my life. Using a separate oracle, I've also been told to be aware of spirit communication. So I'm going to keep my eyes open and watch to see what happens this month. I will keep you posted via pm of new developments.

I will have your reading done before this weekends over. I have to watch my 2 year old once I get home from work and have no real time to read unless I give up precious sleep. Being up at 330 in the morning makes it hard to give up. So hang in there and I'll get it done...... I promise :)

strings of life

ghost271 said:
Thank you so much for the reading. I will definitely keep the advice in my mind. I think I know what it relates to and should know in about a week or so.
Keep me posted via PM. I am interested in seeing if it relates to that even though it was a general. And since it was a general, it is just advice from the cards that can hopefully offer you some clarification spiritually.

ghost271 said:
Another cool thing you mentioned was the owl. I've never had a draw to this bird until a number of years ago. I would finish work at about 2:30 in the morning and would either jog or bike the 5 miles home. On three separate occasions an owl across the street would fly ahead of me and sit on a street sign. He'd sit there and watch me go by. I took it to be my totem spirit or animal guide even though I knew nothing about them. But it did seem that there were major things in spirit that were under way to bring major changes in my life. Using a separate oracle, I've also been told to be aware of spirit communication. So I'm going to keep my eyes open and watch to see what happens this month. I will keep you posted via pm of new developments.
Wow, that's very interesting. Thanks so much for sharing. It's funny how we are drawn to different elements in cards bases on specific readings. For some reason, I was really drawn to the owl and its connection to you, which is why I mentioned it. If it feels like your totem animal, embrace the qualities of that animal and how they can help you in your life.

I am using the Druidcraft right now for other readings and have the Druid Animal Oracle (and the Druid Plant Oracle). I know there is an owl card because I have seen scans of it online! If you want, I can do a one card reading on it for you and see what I get from it. I can also include a small quote from the companion book about the card. It may help. Let me know :).

ETA: The Druid Animal Oracle is here! I'm more than willing to do a one card intuitive reading on the card and give you some additional insight if you wish. Just let me know.

ghost271 said:
I will have your reading done before this weekends over. I have to watch my 2 year old once I get home from work and have no real time to read unless I give up precious sleep. Being up at 330 in the morning makes it hard to give up. So hang in there and I'll get it done...... I promise :)
No worries. I had a hectic week as well. I participate in a weekly exchange here in the Reading Exchange forum, which I also help co-host, and I just did my reading for my partner last night. Readings take a certain amount of focus. I start my days at 5 a.m. four week days a week, so I understand how hard it can be.



I have to apologize for not having this done on the weekend. I am in a constant state of exhaustion, as I'm up for work at 2:30 and 3:30 am and dont finish work till 12 hours later. Then I come home to take care of my two year old. And honestly, I dont want to do a reading when I'm totally beat. My daughters at Grandmas tonight so I did it before dinner.

Card 1:Ilbe the Retriever - You need to stick to one thing and focus on it. Its like he's handing you something that you're now ready to use. Have you recently dug out a deck that you've forgotten about or just 'found' ? If thats the case, thats the one you're to focus on.

Card 2:Gloominous Doom- Your guides trying to tell you to stop getting down on yourself or having a pity party. Are you having a hard time getting a grasp of Tarot ? If so, take your time and have Patience.

Card 3:Myk the Myomancer- The advice your Guide is giving you is to find the mysteries and secrets in the little things life shows you. Look for them and pay attention to the 'insignificant' things around you. He will show things to you that you would never have noticed.

Card 4:The Journeyman (Reversed) - You may feel that your energy or learning is currently blocked or at a stand still. You need to pick a deck and a path and stick to it. Also I need to ask you if you have a fear or anything like that working with the cards. I say that because , coming from a christian background as a kid, I had to overcome serious fear issues that were plugged into my head regarding the cards and the occult. Make sure you are certain that this is something that you want to do.

I've been reading the Tarot for 25 years and am always learning new things, and I think that you will be glad you do to if you stick with it.

strings of life

ghost271, here is my feedback:

ghost271 said:
Card 1:Ilbe the Retriever - You need to stick to one thing and focus on it. Its like he's handing you something that you're now ready to use. Have you recently dug out a deck that you've forgotten about or just 'found' ? If thats the case, thats the one you're to focus on.
Sound advice and spot on.

I just purchased a deck that his been on-and-off my wish list for a while: The World Spirit Tarot. It has all of the elements that I am drawn to with some other favorites, a lot of depth and I am very drawn to it. And I know that I need to stick to one deck and focus. I am going to commit to this deck for 3 months at first and see how the journey unfolds. I can do it. And I know I must.

ghost271 said:
Card 2:Gloominous Doom- Your guides trying to tell you to stop getting down on yourself or having a pity party. Are you having a hard time getting a grasp of Tarot ? If so, take your time and have Patience.
I'm not having a hard time getting a grasp of Tarot. No, not really. And I am confident in my reading skills and my ability to pick up what I "feel" is the message when I read.

Perhaps the underlying theme here though is related to me not being able to stick to one deck? That means I am hopping around--from one to another--and not giving myself to connect to a deck as well as I could, because I am switching them up so much, and therefore, that is causing me to not grasping Tarot as best as possible? I can see that.

And yes, patience is key. It's a continuous learning process and that is what I love about it.

ghost271 said:
Card 3:Myk the Myomancer- The advice your Guide is giving you is to find the mysteries and secrets in the little things life shows you. Look for them and pay attention to the 'insignificant' things around you. He will show things to you that you would never have noticed.
Wonderful advice. It will serve me well to remember this whenever I feel like I can't make this 3 month deck commitment or I feel blocked. I'll take a step back and remember that it's the simple things that make reading and enjoying Tarot, rewarding.

ghost271 said:
Card 4:The Journeyman (Reversed) - You may feel that your energy or learning is currently blocked or at a stand still. You need to pick a deck and a path and stick to it.
I really don't feel like my leaning is at a standstill either--but again--perhaps it is unconsciously since I have been deck hopping so much, not bonding with a single deck. And I am picking a deck, starting today.

However, I have been suffering from tarot writers block, a.k.a. journaling. I really need to start again. I miss it.

ghost271 said:
Also I need to ask you if you have a fear or anything like that working with the cards. I say that because , coming from a christian background as a kid, I had to overcome serious fear issues that were plugged into my head regarding the cards and the occult. Make sure you are certain that this is something that you want to do.
I don't have any fear at all, whatsoever. None. Really. Tarot is part of me. My mother was a reader as well. In fact, I have her first deck, the Hoi Polloi, and have since purchased her some decks as well. It's something lovely that we share.

But I can see your comment relating to me pulling a Tarot blog that I had (a popular one that had several thousand unique visitors a month) because I wanted to pursue my online Tarot journal journey incognito. It's not that I fear sharing or putting myself out there, but Tarot has become a private journey for me, and I don't feel comfortable sharing personal readings and thoughts online anymore, associated to my online profile here. So I set up a new blog with a new name, imported all of the old posts into it, haven't used it yet, and will when I am ready. Maybe I am ready now? Not sure.

ghost271 said:
I've been reading the Tarot for 25 years and am always learning new things, and I think that you will be glad you do to if you stick with it.
Stick with one deck? Indeed. Stick with it as in Tarot in general? I have no plans of not sticking with it. None. Like I mentioned earlier, it's part of me, entrenched.

Thanks for the reading. It was revelational and made me see things that I didn't and made me think and make a decision.

3 months. Yes!

strings of life

ghost271 said:
I've been reading the Tarot for 25 years and am always learning new things, and I think that you will be glad you do to if you stick with it.
I just wanted to add, it's wonderful that you have been reading for so long! Inspirational.



Yes. Stick with the one deck.
You're the first one I've read for with the FO. I use it as my personal oracle in tandem with my Hidden Realms deck. I tried the Lenormand as well but can't connect or read with it at all. I think I'm going to stick with Tarot for others only. Thanks again for the exchange.