Finding your reading voice/ style


Sulis said:
I have a stuffed toy mouse that I made 30 years ago in school and he has been renamed Tarot Mouse.

Tarot Mouse is my 'querant'. He sits opposite me, I ask him his question and visualise his answers. I shuffle and lay out the cards and I 'read' for Tarot Mouse out loud. I imagine his answers and I respond as I would to a real querant.

And IMO, if you at first don't feel a bit silly, talking to a doll (or mouse), then most likely you're not talking aloud. And that's practice. Just like playing a musical insturment, it requires practice.


Lots and lots of practice. Practice until reading for a person is like chatting with a friend. Have compassion, show genuine interest. Talk to them like you talk to your friends. Don't think about it. You are most likely going to find that style and voice when you least expect it and when you aren't thinking about it.

:love: valeria