follow your dream ...


This has surely been done before - but i thought i'd share ......

looking through the cards (without 'thinking' or associating meanings) - i started to pick out those that spoke ....

my dream / hearts desire / where i want to be - i ended up pulling 4 cards that represented this area

then i pulled a card that represented me 'now'

then i pulled 4 more on 'steps i need to take to reach my dream'

i found this really effective - it especially made a nice change actually looking at the pictures rather than face down



That is very interesting.. Do you shuffle the deck before pulling the last four? or do you pick them the same way?


i didnt shuffle again, although you could - this was not an intentional exercise - you know one of those nights when you cant sleep and so you start playing with the cards and making notes about life ...........

i find that pulling cards face up can be effective as face down - especially when pulling for myself - i am a visual person - and my subconcious recognises meanings in the cards before my intellect