Wish Spreads


I tried doing a wish spread earlier today. One where you state a wish, then ask if it will come true. It looks something like this: http://angelfire.com/ns2/samreid26/images/Spread.gif . It looked like a really nice spread to try, but when I tried it, it didn't make any sense to me.
I was wondering if anybody else tried that spread, or something similar. Did the same thing happen to you?
Thank you!!


Hi Midnight,

I'll give it a go and let you know.

Watch this space!!!!!!!!


Hi all, I am going to move this post to Tarot Spreads. Marion


I have moved TemperanceAngel's reading with this spread to Your Readings, you can find it here.

The Tarot Spreads forum is for sharing spreads; actual readings should be posted in the Your Readings forum. ;)

Indigo Rose

Overall a good reading.....

I did this Wish spread for myself. I see it has potential, but it does take some deep thought to make the connections. Here is my reading :
WISH=To change careers
1)King of Pentacles= Present state of mind...I am the sole support of my family right now, and really the "King" in terms of being provider. This is a great responsibility on me. At times I feel stuck doing what I do, and LONG to break free. WHICH leads to the next card.
2) WORLD=What will help make my wish come true....I saw this as a dramatic launch into the WORLD, a willingness to let go and risk something.
3) 10 of SWORDS=this is what I am afraid of....truly. I fear loss, irrevocable endings, and winding up flat on my face. I fear the ending to all I hold dear.
4) PAGE of SWORDS=how others can help.....I really need my family to step up to the plate, take up their swords, and HELP ME OUT!!! This would enable me to find more freedom to pursue my dreams.
5) 9 of CUPS= this is what I must let go of....wow!! LET GO OF MY WISH????I pondered this. It came to me that I must release my dream. I must not hold it so tightly that I suffocate it. It is in surrendering it that I set it FREE, and myself as well.
6) 9 of Pentacles=What I will learn along the way.....Mastery of SELF. Clearly this is what I MUST LEARN.
7) QUEEN of CUPS=will your wish come true? I often am represented by this card, as I am a Pisces. Yet I had trouble seeing at first how this answered the question. SO, I drew a clarification and got the HIGH PRIESTESS. Hmmmm.......deep thought about this one......ahhh....I think that my wish coming true really depends on me. I must listen to my inner voice, and pay close attention to my dreams.

To me this is basically a good reading format, but again I think it requires focus. YES/NO type questions I do not like because I do not seek Tarot for absolute mostly, but for possibilities. SO instead of will my wish come true?.....HOW can I make it come true?? That is more enriching to me.


Re: Overall a good reading.....

Indigo Rose said:
I did this Wish spread for myself. I see it has potential, but it does take some deep thought to make the connections.

To me this is basically a good reading format, but again I think it requires focus. YES/NO type questions I do not like because I do not seek Tarot for absolute mostly, but for possibilities. SO instead of will my wish come true?.....HOW can I make it come true?? That is more enriching to me.

I agree with Indigo Rose. I think the reading gives a great insight and it also brings in possiblities/situations etc maybe not considered or helps you understand them better.

This spread can be used for other questions, eg: relationships.

Position 2 could be: help with influences/understanding/current situations in the relationship?

Position 7: outcome

This could also be a work spread, moving/buying house etc. I like the simplicity of the spread and i think each position brings a diversity into the relationship.



Hi Midnight

I haven't forgotten I said I would get back to you but I'm just wondering whether to go public with my spread results. I found it to be a very useful spread. Maybe you should have another go at it, surely you have more than one wish???



Moonbow* said:

I haven't forgotten I said I would get back to you but I'm just wondering whether to go public with my spread results. I found it to be a very useful spread. Maybe you should have another go at it, surely you have more than one wish???

Moonbow* if you are going to publish your results there is a section in Tarot Spreads, where mine is published under the same name 'Wish Spreads".



Hi TemperanceAngel

I'm posting my reading there now. thanks
