Spread for Mythic Tarot?


Does anyone have a favourite spread they use with the Mythic Tarot? I just got a hold of this deck today and did a CC, which gave me a fairly clear reading, but I'm not altogether comfortable with it. Does anyone else feel that different decks 'go' better with certain spreads?


When I first learned to read Tarot in the 80's, this was the deck that I started on. I did use the Celtic Cross. In time I started to do clarification cards on each card, which helped. And in time I changed the meaning of some of the positions. But I don't use this deck as much anymore. Also, there are more than one Mythic Tarot deck out there. The one I use was done by Juliet Sharman-Burke, Liz Greene & Tricia Newell.

I didn't try to many other throws with this particular deck. My deck I use now, I do incorporate other throws. My advice is to look at other throws and do what resonates with you. :)

- KyrieSummer -


Do you have the book?

It has suggested spreads and the stories for each card are very helpful.......