French Cartomancy - 19th/20th century


10. La faux doit announcer (The scythe announces)

La faux doit announcer

L'approche d'un danger.

Pourtant quoi que tu fasses.

Il faut que tu y passes.

The scythe must announce
The approach of a danger
In the context that you see this used
Will show your need on how this passes


11. La verge signifie (The rod signifies)

La verge signifie;

Au mari zizanie;

A l'epouse des soucis,

Des chagrins , le ciel gris

The rod signfies
A marriage discord;
A spouse that worries
Or chagrin, the gray skies


12. Des oixeaux de malheur (The birds of bad hour)

Des oieaux de malheur

Announcent la douleur;

Mais, heureusement

Pas pour bien longtemps

The birds of bad times
Announces doldrums;
But happiness
is not far--wellness in the long term


13. D'apre cette image (Infant/Child)

D'apres cette image

Tu ues bon et sage;

De tes amis aime

Et de tous estime.

Near your image,
For you this is good and wise
Your friends love you
And all esteem you


14 . Fox

Le renard, au poil ardent,
Te conseille: sois prudent:
De te nuire est bien capable.
Qui se montre trop aimable.

The fox, with blazing hair
He advises: watch and beware:
To be wary of harm is well for you
Who is showing you kindness


Thanks Cerulean..! I'll have to PM you the English translations... You did a wonderful job, but a lot of these are wrong because the translation is litteral, and doesn't accout for slang used in the French text... ie: for the first card, étranger shouldn't be translated into going to see a stranger, but rather is coming from foreign (or far away) lands...

As someone who's first language is French, I'm going to stress if I see the wrong translations being used... :D


Cerulean said:
Le beau cavalier

Vient de l'etranger;

Bonnes nouveles l'apporte;

Ouvre-lui vite la porte.

The beautiful cavilier
Going to the stranger
Good news is in the transport
From afar it speeds to deport

(I actually think it is
he rushes it to the door, but this is rushed/raw at the moment!)

I think it is: The handsome cavalier is coming from overseas (a strange country) with lots of good things so they quickly open the door for him....
This is one of the reasons I have pulled out these cards to polish my French skills. :)

eta: I should have read the whole thread. M'espérer je fais pas sembler stupide :(


Thanks, I will make notes on the next twenty or so amd return later

Thirteen to 36 to follow and corrections and adjustments also as time permits.

Hopefully this will help fans who want to use verses in this "family” of Lenormand decks..


15. Bear

Counseil de l'lours;

Il faut toujours

Penser avant de parler

Pour au jaloux echapper

Counsel of the bear
It always happens
Take care of what you say
To avoid jealousyplace holder


16. Stars


Seule, la brillante etoile
Un grand bonheur te devoile;
Mai a travers un nuage
Grand chagrin elle presage

If only it is starlight shine
A grand goodness you will unveil
But if run across by the cloud
then omen of worry will prevail

German (Piatnik - 20th century): Six of Hearts

Fortune in all aspects
Clouds in viscinity: imminent misfortune