Friendship Gemstone?

diane drizzy

I will be seeing several old friends that I have not seen in over a year. I would like to give them both a gemstone or crystal for our long friendships. Any suggestions?



I'm thinking:

rose quartz
lapis lazuli



Watermelon Tourmaline


I Have to tell you that if someone gave me watermelon tourmaline, I think I'd pass out. I HAve been ACHING for a nice piece of this stone....I mean it. I want a pendant of watermelon tourmaline, a slice, and have wanted it for years. To date I haven't even seen it to buy...never mind if I could afford it.

Great list larky!


I've been bumping into watermelon tourmaline for weeks now....a friend of mine just bought a slice pendant a few weeks ago...beautiful stone...I have a small piece in a medicine bag I wear sometimes.

I was thinking that a piece of jade in the shape of their chinese animal symbol based on the year of their birth would be a fabulous friend gift.


I also think a great gift would be a peice of tektite. Tektite is of extraterrestrial it could stand for long journeys, and communication over a distance. It is also great for absorbing spiritual knowledge, you know....taking it in and making it part of yourself. Tektites are great for balancing and adjusting the chakras too. It is a very nice and useful stone...and moldavite is in the tektite family.

Just plain ol' tektite is black and has little divots in the surface. But moldavite is green and sometimes comes polished and would be a beautiful gift.

I bought a piece of black tektite at a store and had it for years before I finally figured out what it was...but it really entranced me, because it was just so mysterious to me...And now I know why. Because of that I have always just held tektite in high regard. I Do have both black tektite and a piece of moldavite...but of the two, and the unpolished moldavite is in a pretty sterling setting, I favor my ugly little chunk of black tektite!

The other thing I learned from a guy who sells stones is that if you can ever buy the end slice of a stone you should get it. He said that oftentimes endslices are the most beautiful in terms of the layers or the textures and differences in coloring and such. I had picked out a piece of rhodochrosite from him and it was an endslice and to me it was the prettiest one I saw, and the only endslice in the tray! So he told me this little tip.


Moldavite is RIDICULOUSLY expensive, though. I really agree with most of the stones listed, they are mostly heart chakra stones, which makes sense. I associate Sodalite with encouraging communication in friendship, and I would especially recommend (as listed) Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, and Emerald. I personally go crazy over Moldavite, but it makes me dizzy sometimes, and I can't wear it for long; some people find it too intense, or even unpleasant. I wouldn't recommend it as a gift unless you know the recipient likes it.