From which cards do you seem to draw inspiration and strength on?


After interesting and eye-opening responses from the Sexiest Tarot Character / Card thread, I thought it would also be nice to know:

from which cards do we draw strength and inspiration from in important interesting moments and/or feelings in our lives? You may want to share what you're comfortable sharing or just mention the cards...

I can start:

Ace of Wands in Liber T - the artwork and the varied strokes of red seemed to radiate power to me during my recovery from a kidney transplant

Magician from RWS - when I was aiming to be the "most-sought-after" (hehehe)

The Fool - when I was taking a leap of faith to keep on to my partner or let her go


Good topic!

Strength, especially when it has a woman and lion interacting in a gentle way (Hanson Roberts, for instance). Lion reminds me to stand tall and strong, even if I'm feeling weak or frightened.

King of Pentacles from Baroque Bohemian Cats. This fellow makes me feel safe and warm and grounded. When I'm feeling scattered I try to imagine myself in his parlor absorbing his gentle energy.


I like the STAR the MOST as it connects to my clan/family/roots/people...we have this spearhead on what is called the BIG HOUSE that points up to the biggest Southern Star...and below the spearhead is written (translated): "The Pointing Star".

So, I like it when the :heart: STAR:heart:turns up as that has an even deeper in depth meaning for me on a spiritual and cultural level. :)

Others I like...I kind of favor a few I suppose :D : 6 of wands ( a message/email), 8 of wands (quick action/positive), Ace of Swords (blunt truth/clarity), The Sun (Clarity) and I am sure there are still some more... ;)


Stacks and stacks of them, in lots of decks. And it's not even the obvious ones.

I'd be doing some essential card a disservice if I started listing them, because I'm bound to forget one I love deeply.

Soaring Eagle

I have two cards that always give me strength. They are both from the Vision Quest deck and are the IX Hermit and II Medicine woman. They both remind me to take a little time to myself and rely on my intuition. I feel more empowered every time I see them.


For me I think its more decks than individual cards... I find the Gaian quite joyous and inspirational, I find Vison quest spirtual... It would be hard to pick cards from these sorts of decks as the deck as a whole feels like it has something to teach and nuture


I have no universal "strength" cards. It changes so much during different periods of time.

One day (or certain period of time) I have cards that are closer to me (in an uplifting manner of speaking) then others.

Now, for instance, I feel electrified by the Thoth Ace of Swords. When I see it I know it tells me I can do anything I put my mind to.


I'll add to my. List. I have been s tidying the Etruscan tarot and induing the 21 ways to read tarot by Mary Greer, I used the three of swords ... It reminded me of my teen years when I was so fascinated with Greek mythology, and then I realized my own interpretation or story to this card had something to do with causing pain or the exercise of self restraint In Hurting others.


So far I've only worked with Radiant RW, but I love Temperance in that deck. The meaning of the card resonates with me, and there's just something comforting about the artwork.


Well, the Star, because it's the period after the storm once everything is "back" to normal, sort of, a time of hope, of healing and of rebuilding. It tells me the tough period is over.

I like The Ten of Pentacles, it's earthy, it's stable, it has roots deep below, like a tree. You can count on it, depend on it.

I also like the Nine of Pentacles, again an earthy stable card, that often shows a pretty garden, and that tells me that I can make it on my own, I'll be fine. I have the tools, I'm a Magician and I can build this place for me.