Full Moon 7/24


This month's full moon has been a difficult one. Everyone where I work is crying, and upset, and even cancelling wedding plans. I've been cranky and ready to explode...... what's going on?? Any ideas out there?


The last week and a half has been miserable. Things I have worked for, for so long-crumbling to dust.

Then today, clouds parted-the crumbling of plans is but an illusion, and all I have worked for is not lost.


Well this month's full moon is in Aquarius, which means that we Leos will be a little on edge. I really haven't been, but I think because it's right up on my birthday (tomorrow!!!). However, generally, I've read that the moon in Aquarius will effect Leos negtively in many ways because the Aquarians are opposite on the zodiac. Sally Cragin writes for the Boston Phoenix and she does a pretty good job of explaining the effects of moon phases so that everyone can understand (including novice me). You can check out her great work at www.bostonphoenix.com if you're interested.

Hope my bumbling helped. I'm just starting to get into astrology.

:) Kes

Edited to add: It might also have to do with the planets rather than the moon. I think there's an interesting square(?) going on this week? Someone more experienced will have to help me with this.


i am so relieved to hear there is a reason for why i am so da** irritable today. i even checked to see if it was time for my period but that more than a week away so that couldn't be it. i have 4 natal planets in the 10th house in aquarius that's opposition uranus in leo 5th house. i'm finding that i'm feeling extremely irritated about things that don't ordinarily bother me. i even lost my temper and yelled at the dog.

so this phase will going away in a few days?? if it doesn't i'm leaving to spend time alone at the beach or something to get away and hide a few days.


I have managed to not be too cranky myself but have I ever met people with attitude this week! People just in barely suppressed major snits... not about me, but they are radiating it. One person, it could just be normal, but it keeps happening!


Wow - seems to be it's not only bad on my side... a little relieve and bit of comfort.

Boy, I can tell you all the last 1 1/2 - 2 weeks, in particular at work, have been one the most stressful and chaotic I've experienced so far... ceilings coming down, restaurant half down under water, manager cards breaking down and no keys for the register (of course, customers waiting at the counter with no patience at all) and some more sh***. Gosh, I have been so emotionally tight and irritable the last days... good to know I am not completely going nuts!! lol

Good to know that there might be a "lunatic" explanation. :D



truthsayer said:
i'm finding that i'm feeling extremely irritated about things that don't ordinarily bother me. i even lost my temper and yelled at the dog.

so this phase will going away in a few days?? if it doesn't i'm leaving to spend time alone at the beach or something to get away and hide a few days.

Truth - I am telling you! I feel the same! Things that usually would not effect me that bad, or at all, get to me, I am cranky and irritable, but do my best to keep myself in check and not to start tripping, fussing or fighting... it's hard at times (especially with those darn customers, sorry, have to vent a little bit to release pressure...). I think I go hide in the mountain forest for a few days...



Helruna said:
Truth - I am telling you! I feel the same! Things that usually would not effect me that bad, or at all, get to me, I am cranky and irritable, but do my best to keep myself in check and not to start tripping, fussing or fighting... it's hard at times (especially with those darn customers, sorry, have to vent a little bit to release pressure...). I think I go hide in the mountain forest for a few days...
Helruna and Truth -

ME TOO!!! I have been irritable about the smallest, most trivial matters and it's NOT PMS. Hm.....

:TSUN Starfish


Yes, this one has been a tough full Moon....where I work, most people were irritable and one girl threatened to walk out. Mercury/Mars in Leo opposite the full Moon in Aquarius is probably responsible (wait, we're not supposed to blame the planets.....)

Just think, there's ANOTHER full Moon is Aquarius coming up in August!



AquarianGoddess said:

Just think, there's ANOTHER full Moon is Aquarius coming up in August!

yiiiiieeeekkkk!!!! You're kidding me? BTW, when is the next Mercury retrograde suppose to "hit town"? My brain sends signals that I heard something with August????? <shudder>
