FULL MOON - manifestations!


Blood Moon 2015

Here's the picture my neighbor took using a tripod.



Good for you! May all your wishes manifest.. :)

Thank you kindly!

First session this evening! Loved it! Apart from the creepy dude in the sauna!

Aunty Anthea

Did anyone else charge their Crystal Ball

Wonderful experience sitting next biscuit (my crystal ball) watching the moon changing colour :heart:

I swear that Biscuit felt heavier after his night of moon watching, he definitely feels a great deal more powerful, as do I })

Biscuit is now safely and securely back in his home (the biscuit barrel) wrapped in several layers of fine silk :love:

The best was yet to come, because I had the most fantastic beautiful dreams this morning :)

Also, I finally managed to get in touch with a close friend who I have been trying to reach for several months, on his birthday of all days, cannot wait for the next exciting thing to happen :D

Victoria's Finest

Blood Moon 2015

Here's the picture my neighbor took using a tripod.

so in the end I slept through the best of it but the sky was clear here :( how mercury retrograde, my set alarm failed on my phone! I saw it starting but missed the best bit! oh well, I hope everyone gets their wishes to manifest!

love your neighbours pic GotH! :thumbsup:
Glastonbury Tor by the press photographers - http://www.theguardian.com/science/...on-rises-pictures-from-around-the-world#img-1

Stunning pictures!

It was too cloudy here :( but the evening was productive and energizing and satisfying and, and, and for me nonetheless :love: . Just awesome; still feeling it :joke: .



Awesome connection with nature and all that stuff... I hope you're able to manifest things that you need / want and let go of things that you don't need / want in your life.

I'm kind of bummed out i didnt get to see the bloody moon at all. It was very cloudy here. But i still prayed snd released my manifestations. Please post pics for anyone who got to see it.


Awesome! Not sure how you can sleep with that full moon energy :p
can't wait to see the pics, if you wanted to share them that is :D
I was DEAD tired! :laugh: the neighbor & I have taken to walking together when I am in town (vacation home). We walked 2.5 miles. Thats a lot for me, and for her--she's worse off then I am. :laugh:

Blood Moon 2015

Here's the picture my neighbor took using a tripod.


so in the end I slept through the best of it but the sky was clear here :( how mercury retrograde, my set alarm failed on my phone! I saw it starting but missed the best bit! oh well, I hope everyone gets their wishes to manifest!

love your neighbours pic GotH! :thumbsup:
Glastonbury Tor by the press photographers - http://www.theguardian.com/science/...on-rises-pictures-from-around-the-world#img-1

Between these 2 sets of pics, I'm embarrassed to post mine. :laugh: but, I will anyway. *sigh* keep in mind I am NO photographer, and used my cell phone. :laugh:

I was so dead tired last night, so I took the last picture at about 10:30-10:45 just as the moon was almost completely eclipsed. It was cool to watch this--but cold outside and I was just too tired to care much. I went back into the house after the last pic and just went to sleep within seconds. Slept great. Perhaps it was the full moon that helped?! I did my wishes too--but decided not to burn it. I was just too damned tired to burn the paper they were written on. But, that is okay, I'm sure, too. I was too busy and too tired to even play with my cards or anything else last night, but I did finish a novena I was doing yesterday morning and I also meditated with some of my crystals during the day. Glad I did it then, as I figured if I tried at night, I'd fall asleep. It was a lovely evening overall.

Now, we get 3 more full moons, Oct. 27, Nov. 26 or 27? and CHRISTMAS DAY!!! DEC. 25!!! WOO HOOO!!!! What a Christmas eve THAT is going to be!!! I wonder if we'll be able to see Santa and the reindeer flying past the moon??? :D


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Great pics everyone! Those were amazing Daniel..

@Aunty Anthea - I totally forgot to moon bathe my balls! LOL.. I was so preoccupied with hanging out and trying to get the best view that I totally forgot to charge my crystals. The moon was peering through my bedroom window last night so I hope the ones that were out got a bit of the energy.

As for burning the intentions.. I finally got around to burning them last night under the moon. I had written them down earlier in the day but the right time to burn them was right before bed. I folded them into one small square and lit it on fire. The fire didn't exactly catch full force but it did an ember blaze until it was completely out. It smoldered and smoked up and away as the moon shined its light all around. :)


Now, we get 3 more full moons, Oct. 27, Nov. 26 or 27? and CHRISTMAS DAY!!! DEC. 25!!! WOO HOOO!!!! What a Christmas eve THAT is going to be!!! I wonder if we'll be able to see Santa and the reindeer flying past the moon??? :D

AWESOME! :cool2: Where have I seen that before? :)