Geminis UNITE! =D


Hiii! I'm a Gemini anyone else a Gemini?? =P


Yep I am.

Crystalmynx xx


Ah huh!!!!

10 June!!!!


I'm a Gemini, Mars too!


My Sun, Mercury, Venus, Rising Sign and N. Node are all Gemini. :D

Not only that, but every other planet on my chart, except the Moon, is retrograde. I have 5 Geminis (counting N. Node), 6 Retrogrades, and the Moon.

I think this explains why I'm so crazy. XD


I was curious, so I inputed your birthday Milamber, and as you know, your moon is in Virgo, making your lunar ruler the same as your solar and rising ruler, Mercury. That's why your crazy.

I'm assuming you are including Chirion in your Gemini Stellum, two of the asteroids i inputed are Ute and Apollo, at 29 and 2 Gemini each. Apollow is mentioned here and Ute can be interpreted as close ties to extended and spread out familiy links and the land that is covered to get from point A to point B.

But the asteroids I had inputed into the chart are 90 percent direct (only hopi and hidalgo were retrograde in Libra and Sagittarius), so while your major influences are slower to act (the retrogrades), all your minor details (virgo's specialty, Gemini's obsession) move your foreward when everyone else is being kept back.

I was just infinitely curious (rising virgo trait) of all Gemini aspects.


I'm afraid that's quite beyond my knowledge of astrology. I know the brief, basic meanings and properties of the planets, and some of the signs, and that's about it. ;) I actually wasn't even aware that asteroids had anything to do with astrology.

I do know that I'm Gemini personified. I don't have multiple personality disorder, but I do have multiple personalities in a way (some natural, others not), billions of little and big things I wish I could do in life, the desire to try everything I can at least once, a 32-track mind, only a few things that I can actually do and stick to without wanting to move onto something else, etc, etc. Considering my chart, that all makes sense.

By the way, what makes my solar/lunar/rising rulers all Mercury? I don't understand how that works, either. My Sun, Merc, and Rising are all in Gemini, but my Moon is in Virgo.


Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo in different ways. Gemini in the expansive 'head in the clouds' and Virgo as the pure 'down to earth' emotional sets and mentalities. Virgo sets rythem to your Gemini beat, or if you prefer, vica-versa.

Indigo Rose

How about a Gemini Rising? Does that count??

I am a Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon....BUT Gemini is Rising; along with Jupiter in Gemini! My Gemini is very evident. I am a book fanatic. If I could live in a Library or a bookstore I probably would. I have a low boredom threshold, and change my mind sometimes like the wind. I have been in only one profession for 9 years, but my resume is like an adventure. Luckily my career affords that kind of "moving around" and in my profession has been an asset. I used to be called "motor mouth" as a kid, because I talked and talked and talked.....and fast. Oh well.....Here's to all that nervous energy!!
Cheers to the GEMINI spirit....and insanity! :)