Getting 'a' job - needing your verdict/opinion


I'm not good with yes and no questions so need you guys to be the jury on this one. This is a question about getting a position with a specific company. I did ask 'will i get in' and got the following cards:

Knight of cups/6 of swords/Ace of pentacles

This question was not job specific but company specific. I know the knight of cups is an offer from someone who is either a friend or a very pleasantly concerned person. The 6 of swords is the card of movement and movement from difficult situation to a calmer state. My experience with this card was that someone also helped me move and I am hoping a specific MAN (whom I've know) in this specific company would help me. Ace of pentacle is trust or an initiation to something. The quint: counting with knight is Sun and without Chariot. Both, the sun indication of clarity and movement somewhere where it is warm. The Chariot is also movement but movement where the body and mind merge to emerge victorious ...

So am I getting in or not?


Can you clarify further on this before i give my thoughts. Have you been to an interview or sent off an application for this company's employment ?

Or is it just a company your hoping someone will put a good word in for you, and you want to know the outcome ?


Can you clarify further on this before i give my thoughts. Have you been to an interview or sent off an application for this company's employment ?

Or is it just a company your hoping someone will put a good word in for you, and you want to know the outcome ?

Someone who knows me putting a good word.