Giving readings at a a fair


i live in a very small farming town in indiana and i'm certain the reaction would be the same lol -- very funny story and so nice that people got lubed or brave enuf to come and make your efforts worth while :) -- i'm not sure if i would ever be brave enuf to read in public (but there was a time i thought i'd never read on this website either ;) )

really great story -- you gave me a good smile that will last the rest of the day :)


Mini update

Well hubby and i discussed it and we decided that since there is another fair coming in a month and since most of our stock is still with us. the crowd at this fair is more "hippy people" ( quote from around town) so we are going togo for round 2. LOL the crowd at this one is very open minded so i think we will do well. and if not i only have to listen to bluegrass music for 14 hours a day for 3 days in a row :) wish us luck....LOL


I bet the hippies will be much more game. And i imagine if you keep at it it's something that will grow. Acceptance grows with familiarity. I don't think tarot readings are the stuff people jump into the first time they see it. It takes a while to sit in the mind and come out when it's ready.